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DESTINI Estimator 2D Takeoff Shortcut and Navigation Keys

Modified on: Tue, Dec 27 2022 3:35 PM


<Ctrl> = Control            

<Ent> = Enter

<Esc> = Escape          

<LMB>, <RMB>, and <MMB> = Left Mouse Button, Right Mouse Button, and Middle Mouse Button (Wheel)

General Use Hotkeys

  • Undo Last: <Ctrl>+Z (there is no redo)
  • During a draw command – undoes most recent point in a shape
  •  After closing draw command – undoes last completed takeoff action o Ex: Model Component, Delete, Move, Paste, etc.

Camera Navigation

  • Zoom: Scroll <MMB> forward to zoom in or backward to zoom out Camera zoom is focused on the mouse pointer
  • Pan: Hold the <Ctrl> key and hold <RMB>, then drag the cursor in the desired direction
  • Auto-Pan:  When a draw command is selected, moving a crosshair to edge or corner of the image to auto-pan your view

Document Navigation

  • Change Sheet:  
  • Click Right Arrow to move to next page, Click Left Arrow to move to the previous page
  • Click Next or Previous buttons in the Paging commands
  • Use the Bookmarks menu to use shortcuts to specific pages

 Bookmarks must be created in the PDF prior to import in Estimator (Bluebeam or other)

  • Type page number into the search bar in the Paging command

 Takeoff Palette

  • New: <LMB> Click on the Create Item button in the Takeoff Palette. Use dropdowns and text boxes to edit new item as necessary
  • Copy: <LMB> Click the clipboard command on the far right of any palette item in the Takeoff Palette. Will create duplicate palette items that can be modified before committing it to the palette.
  • Edit: <LMB> Click the pencil command on the far right of any palette item in the Takeoff Palette, this will edit the palette item using the same process as in New item   This will NOT change items made before edit
  • Delete: <LMB> click the red hazard sign on the far right of any palette item in the Takeoff Palette, to delete selected palette item (this will not delete existing model components and CANNOT be undone)
  • Apply Item: <LMB> click the paint palette labeled Apply Item in the Takeoff Palette. This will allow you to change any existing model component Item type to the one currently selected

How to draw takeoff

  • Tools: Must have a palette item selected
  • Line: Click <LMB> at the point where the line will begin. Click <LMB> while over desired points (require +2 points)
  • Count: Click <LMB> over any place where palette item is needed (only contains 1 point)
  • Area/Cutout: Click <LMB> at the corner of the area. Click <LMB> overall corner points needed (requires +3 points)
  • Completing a Line, Area, or Cutout:  Click <MMB> or <Ent>, or <ESC> if you change your preferences
  • Unselect palette item or model component: Press <Esc>
  • Close draw command during takeoff (will erase in-progress takeoff component): Press <Esc>

Selecting component

  • Select one: Click <LMB> while the cursor is over a model component
  • Select multiple: Use Filter tree to isolate the desired takeoff components, then Hold <SHIFT> and click all desired model component
  • Fence Select: Hold <LMB> and drag the mouse to the right and to create a fence that will select anything touching the inside of the fence Hold <LMB> and drag the mouse to the left to create a fence that will only select all model components that are completely inside the fence
  • Select all: to select all visible model components click <LMB> inside drawing area then <Ctrl>+A

 Context Menu

  • Hover over desired model component Click <RMB>. (If no model component is selected or copied the menu will have no useable options)      
  • Select All:  <Ctrl>+A
  • Copy: <Ctrl>+C 
  • Paste: <Ctrl>+V

Applying cost

    Choose a Cost command in Takeoff View (Create One-Off, Add Line Item, Add Assembly)

  • Create One-off Line Item: Select takeoff. <LMB> click on the Create One-off Line Item button in the Cost commands. Define all characteristics of the line item (the line item does not and will not exist in your database). Drag quantities to necessary fields
  • Add Line Item: <LMB> click on the Add Line Item button located in the Cost commands. Use “Find” search for a particular line item or navigate to the desired item through the tree and double <LMB> click on it. Drag quantities to necessary fields
  • Add Assembly: <LMB> click on the Add Assembly button located in the Cost commands. Use “Find” search for a particular assembly. Or, navigate to the desired item through the tree and double <LMB> click on it. Drag quantities where applicable and answer other questions to introduce the desired line items to the estimate.

Takeoff Process:

Two different approaches to applying cost

  • Linking existing line items in Estimate View to Takeoff:
  1.  Add takeoff to your drawing
  2.  Select takeoff item
  3.  Select existing line item (or assembly item) in Estimate View
  4.  Use Map Takeoff command in Estimate View
  • Complete takeoff, then tie costs to those takeoff items
  1.  Add takeoff to your drawing
  2.  Select takeoff item
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