What I Need to Know: Business Partners in Unanet vs. CMiC
Modified on: Thu, Aug 18 2022 12:26 PMClient and Business Partner Relationships in Unanet vs. CMiC
The business partner and contact database in Unanet is separate from CMiC’s database as the use cases for both software platforms are different and unique. Unanet CRM is the source of truth for the business entities and contacts we are pursuing work with (and the “clean” companies we work with). The CMiC BP Database tracks the legal entities we are contracted with.
The reason we keep them separate is twofold:
- The overall state of the BP Database (duplicate and sometimes quadruple of the same companies)
- The fact many clients create LLC’s or separate entities for each project to shed risk
Being that Unanet is Swinerton's CRM platform and source of truth, we want to be able to track the work we do with the real client, not the LLC. Imagine if there were 10 projects with a client and there was an LLC with every project, it would be difficult to trail back whether these projects were all for the same company/developer. In this instance, unless you need a JIP, there isn’t a need to enter the same companies in CMiC that you do in Unanet. Unanet should be the first point of entry for new companies/clients, then CMIC if you need JIPs.
Frequently Asked Q&A's
Q: What do I do if the Client is not populating in Boomi-JIP but I see the company record listed in Unanet?
A: Unanet and CMiC are separate databases. Head over to CMiC and submit a new Business Partner Request. Once the BP has been approved in CMiC, return to Boomi to select the Client record. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on how to submit a new BP Request in CMiC.
Q: In Boomi, I noticed that the Client company is mispelled. How do I fix this?
A: Unanet and CMiC are separate databases. Changing the company name in Unanet will not change it in Boomi or CMiC. Head over to CMiC and submit a Business Partner (BP) Request Update. Once your update is corrected in CMiC, the new modifications will be corrected in Boomi as well. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on how to submit a BP Request Update in CMiC.