BTech Support


How To: Archive a Project

Modified on: Mon, Jul 31 2023 6:04 AM

As a best practice, projects that will never be marketed should be archived to avoid crowding the system with superfluous data. This may include jobs such as warranty & repairs, insurance claims, debris trucks, miscellaneous jobs, etc. 

Note: Be cautious with any SFS Miscellaneous jobs as there may be several projects with various Clients bucketed into one project record.

Steps to Archive a Project:

  1. In the quick search bar, look for the project record you wish to archive.
  2. On the project record, click on the "Edit All" button.
  3. Scroll down to the General Project Information section.
  4. In the Archived field dropdown, select "Archived".
  5. Scroll back up and hit "Update" to save your edits.
  6. Done!

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