BTech Support


Owner Billing Process

Modified on: Fri, Jul 8 2022 8:39 AM

Owner Billing Process





    • LUMP SUM      
  • POSTING DATE          





If Applicable 


When would I need to update the billing budget in CMiC? 

When a Project Manager sets up a budget in CMiC, their process usually covers updating the billing module to ensure that when a billing is entered, the allocation to the budget and costs in CMiC is up to date. It is recommended that these steps are taken prior to the first billing to ensure the system is working properly with the allocation of the billing to the budget line items. 

Step by Step Process: 

STEP 1: Select Job Billing > Contracts > Enter Contract 


STEP 2: Under Contract Information, select the search icon. A new blank row will appear. Type in the job number and then hit “Enter” on your keyboard. 


STEP 3: When the project is displayed, select the edit icon next to the project number. 




STEP 4: Select the “Add New Bill Codes” button. 


STEP 5: Select “Add New Bill Codes Only” and then click the “OK” button. When an alert box appears, click “OK”. 





STEP 6:  Click “Save” in the upper righthand corner before exiting the screen. 



When would I need to update the billing codes to phase codes in CMiC? 

When a Project Manager changes the budget by adding or removing phase codes, their process usually covers updating the billing module to ensure that when a billing is entered, the changes to phase codes will be reflected in the allocation. It is recommended that these steps are done prior to entering a billing if there have been any changes to phase codes or if there are any errors on reports. 

Step by Step Process: 


STEP 1: Select Job Billing > Contracts > Enter Contract 


STEP 2: Under Contract Information, select the search icon. A new blank row will appear. Type in the job number and then hit “Enter” on your keyboard. 


STEP 3: When the project is displayed, select the edit icon next to the project number. 


STEP 4: Select the “Add New Bill Codes” button. 







STEP 5: Select “Add New Bill Codes And Reset All Groups” and click the “OK” button. When an alert box appears, click “OK”. 



STEP 6: Select “Reset All Bill Code Budgets” and then click the “OK” button when the alert box appears. 



|STEP 6: Click “Save” in the upper righthand corner before exiting the screen. 


When would I need to verify or update the tax rates for a project physically located in Washington? 

Washington projects have tax rates automatically calculated on the gross billing values that are entered in CMiC, and those rates are based on the city where the work is being done. The accuracy of these rates is important for reporting tax returns. This does not apply to sub to self or Tribal projects. 

Step by Step Process: 

STEP 1: Verify the jobsite address, this can be found on the Job Accountants Report, the owner billing on the Project Info Tab* or the job start form in the Z drive location below: 

If Applicable 


Job Accountants Report: 

Select Imaging > Job Accountants Report 

The report will open in a new window. Type in the project number and click “Find”. 






Owner Billing: 


Job Start Form: 



STEP 2: Confirm the correct city and tax rate is in CMiC. Select Job Billing > Contracts > Enter Contract 


STEP 3: Under Contract Information, click the search icon. A new blank row will appear. Type in the job number and then hit “Enter” on your keyboard. When the project is displayed, select the edit icon next to the project number. 


STEP 4: Select the Billing Codes tab and scroll to the right until the columns labeled Tax 1 and Tax 2 appear.  


Tax 1: 
This should be WA for the state of Washington and should be on every billing code for the project. 




Tax 2: 
This is a code that is associated with the city where the work is being done, this should be done at setup, but if a job is setup for miscellaneous work, the city may change with every bill. If it is unclear if the correct code is being used, select the drop-down button to select the correct city code and then apply it to each billing code. 



Why do we enter owner billings in CMiC? 

Owner billings are entered in CMiC to capture the revenue that is expected to be received on a project for work that has been put in place. Accuracy on entering the amounts in CMiC is important to our financial reporting as well as our financial position as a company. 



Step by Step Process: 

STEP 1: Select Job Billing > Billing > G/C Prepare Billing 




STEP 2: Enter in the job number in the Contract Number field and hit “Tab” on your keyboard. The job number will automatically populate.  


A pop-up window will appear; select “OK”. 




Another screen will pop-up, select “Revision” to enter in a revised billing or “Draw” to enter a new billing. 


Another screen will pop-up, simply select “Cancel”.  



STEP 3: In the Draw Info section, enter in the billing date, period end date and the invoice description. 




Owner Billing Date: 
This will match what is on the billing form as the application date. If a date is not indicated, the date of the email will be used, and the Project Accountant will reach out to the team to request that future billings have a date included. 







Period Ending Date: 
This will be indicated on the billing form on the AIA G702 or G703. 




Invoice Desc:  
Use the following format for entering various types of jobs: 


Sub to Self Work (excluding Washington): 
Format: Month / Year / SB / AP Invoice number (Main job) 

19090284 (Sub to self job)  
20090003 (Main job) 

Progress: May20 SB 20090003-003#02 
Progress with Partial Retention: May20 SB 20090003-003#02 
Partial Retention: May20 PAR. RET SB 20090003-003#02 
Retention: May20 RET SB 20090003-003#02 
Revised: May20 REV SB 20090003-003#02 
True-up: May20 TRUEUP SB 20090003-003#02 


Sub to Self Work (Washington only): 
Format: Month / Year / SB / AP Invoice number (Main job) / City 

19291284 (Sub to self job)  
20291003 (Main job) 

Progress: May20 SB 20291003-003#02 – Seattle 
Progress with Partial Retention: May20 SB 20291003-003#02 – Seattle 
Partial Retention: May20 PAR. RET SB 20090003-003#02 - Seattle 
Retention: May20 RET SB 20291003-003#02 – Seattle 
Revision: May20 REV SB 20291003-003#02 – Seattle 
True-up: May20 TRUEUP 20291003-003#02 – Seattle  




PO Contracts / Multiple Scopes (excluding Washington) 
This would be used when there are multiple billings to the owner with only one job number 
Format: Month / Year / Scope or another Identifier 

Progress: May20 Roof Repair 
                May20 Phase 1 
                May20 AHU #2 
                May20 PO 008 
                Jun20 Roof Repair 
                Jun20 Phase 1 
                Jun20 AHU #2 
                Jun20 PO 008 
Progress with Partial Retention: Jun20 PO 008 
Partial Retention: Jun20 PAR. RET PO 008 
Retention: Jun20 RET PO 008 
Revision: Jun20 REV PO 008 
True-up: Jun20 TRUEUP PO 008 


PO Contracts / Multiple Scopes (Washington only) 
This would be used when there are multiple billings to the owner with only one job number. 
Format: Month / Year / Scope or another Identifier/ City 

Progress: May20 Roof Repair - Seattle 
                May20 Phase 1 - Bellevue 
                May20 AHU #2 - Seattle 
                May20 PO 008 - Seattle 
                Jun20 Roof Repair - Seattle 
                Jun20 Phase 1 - Bellevue 
                Jun20 AHU #2 - Seattle 
                Jun20 PO 008 – Seattle 
Progress with Partial Retention: Jun20 PO 008 – Seattle 
Partial Retention: Jun20 PAR. RET PO 008 - Seattle  
Retention: Jun20 RET PO 008 - Seattle 
Revision: Jun20 REV PO 008 - Seattle 
True-up: Jun20 TRUEUP PO 008 - Seattle 




Service Work (excluding Washington): 
Format: Month / Year / Scope or another Identifier / Client 

Progress: May20 Roof Repair – Amazon 
                May20 Phase 1 – Apple 
Progress with Partial Retention: May20 Phase 1 – Apple 
Partial Retention: May20 PAR. RET Phase 1 – Apple 
Retention: May20 RET Phase 1 – Apple 
Revision: May20 REV Phase 1 – Apple 
True-up: May20 TRUEUP Phase 1 – Apple 


Service Work (Washington only): 
Format: Month / Year / Scope or another Identifier / Client / City 

Progress: May20 Roof Repair – Amazon - Seattle 
                May20 Phase 1 – Honeywell – Bellevue 
Progress with Partial Retention: May20 Phase 1 – Honeywell – Bellevue 
Partial Retention: May20 PAR. RET Phase 1 – Honeywell - Bellevue 
Retention: May20 RET Phase 1 – Honeywell - Bellevue 
Revision: May20 REV Phase 1 – Honeywell - Bellevue 
True-up: May20 TRUEUP Phase 1 – Honeywell - Bellevue 



Lump Sum Contracts (excluding Washington): 
Format: Month / Year  

Progress: May20  
Progress with Partial Retention: Jun20 
Partial Retention: Jun20 PAR. RET 
Retention: Jun20 RET  
Revision: Jun20 REV  
True-up: Jun20 TRUEUP  


Lump Sum Contracts (Washington only): 
Format: Month / Year / City 

Progress: May20 - Seattle 
                Jun20 – Seattle 
Progress with Partial Retention: Jun20 – Seattle 
Partial Retention: Jun20 PAR. RET - Seattle 
Retention: Jun20 RET - Seattle 
Revision: Jun20 REV - Seattle 
True-up: Jun20 TRUEUP - Seattle 



STEP 4: Entering billing and retainage amounts in CMiC in the Summary tab. 

Lump Sum Billings: 
First verify the amounts of the owner billing amounts are correct and match what was previously entered CMiC.      

When reviewing lump sum jobs, the previous amount column in CMiC should match what is on the previous amount of the AIA G703 (SOV) of the billing sent from the team. If this number does not match, please reach out to the team as soon as possible to help identify any errors. If it does match, then proceed with entering in the new Total to Date amount for billed and retainage. This will automatically populate the current draw amounts which should match the current period on the owner billing. If it does not, please reach out to the team right away. 

When entering revised bills, enter in the amount on the Total to Date column of CMiC in Billing and Retainage. 













Select “Accept Override Value” after entering the value for Billed, and then again if an amount is entered for Retainage. 

  1. Enter in the value that matches the AIA G703 for total completed to date. 

1a. Select “Accept Override Value”. 

  1. Enter in the value that matches the AIA G703 for retention. 

2a. Select “Accept Override Value”. 

Verify the current period amount on the AIA G703 and the current period amount in CMiC match. 





PO Billings: 
When reviewing PO jobs, the previous amount column in CMiC will not match what is on the previous amount of the AIA G703 (SOV) of the billing sent from the team. The best way to verify the information is to pull up the prior billing for that PO and look at the prior billing’s total completed to date column which should match the current billing’s previously billed amounts. When the PO is correct, enter the amounts in the current draw section only for the billed and retainage amounts, selecting “Accept Override Value” after entering the amounts in each section. Note: Retainage amounts on AIA G703’s are accumulative, and current retainage amounts will need to be determined.  

For revisions to PO’s, enter the amounts in the current draw section only for Billed and Retainage. 















The current retention on PO’s will be determined by the owner billing, this may be 5% or 10% depending on the contract terms. It is important to compare the prior month’s retention to date with the current billing retention amount and enter in the difference for the current draw. 



STEP 5: Select the “Recalc. Billings” button and a second box will display. Verify the posting date is correct, and no other date is indicated, then select “Recalc. Billings” again.  




Posting Date: 
Next, fill in the posting date and remove all other dates if applicable. 


This will be the date that the billing is entered in the system up until the last day of the month. During month end closing, the last day of the month will be used until the billing period has closed. 

If a deposit is received prior to an owner billing being entered, the posting date must be before the date of the deposit. The standard date to use is the first of the month. 

STEP 6: Select the “Generate” button and then “Print Draft”. Select “Run Report” when the box appears. This will provide a draft of the billing entry and the net value can be matched to the next value on the AIA G702 of the owner billing. 





STEP 7:  Click “Save” in the upper right-hand corner and then click “Exit” once finished. 



When would I need to post a billing in CMiC? 

An owner billing will need to be posted as soon as it is received and entered. Please be aware of the month end billing close deadlines to ensure our financial statements are accurate for reporting. 

Step by Step Process: 

STEP 1: Select Job Billing > Billing > Post Invoices 




STEP 2: The posting date will automatically post to the current date, or the last day of the month up until billing close has occurred. Please make sure this date is correct before posting. Select the search icon (martini glass); enter the job number in the Contract field; and click “Enter” on your keyboard.  




STEP 3: Select the billing that needs to be posted, verify that the Draw Billed amount matches to the net billing amount on the AIA G702, and then select the “Post” button: 

  • Revised billings will reflect the difference from what was previously entered in the Revision Billed section. 

  • Washington billings will have the tax already factored into the Draw Billed section; this needs to be verified before posting 


Option: To preview the draw before posting, select the billing, then “Preview Reports”; then select “Post” once ready. A pop-up window will appear, select “Run Report” to view the reports prior to posting. 






















Why does an owner billing backup need to be uploaded in CMiC? 

Owner billings are frequently revised; it is helpful to have the backup attached in CMiC for future reference in an audit or any inquiry to have the exact billing that was used to enter the amounts in the system. 

Step by Step Process: 

STEP 1: Select Accounts Receivable > Query > Invoice Query 











STEP 2: Enter the job number in the Job Code field and select the “Query Data” button. 



STEP 3: Select the line for the billing to attach the document to then click “Attachments”. A pop-up box will appear, select “Choose Files” to locate and select the file and/or drag and drop the files that need to be uploaded. Choose the correct billing backup and then click the “OK” button. 




STEP 4: Back on the Invoice Query screen, when the billing is selected, the number of attachments will be indicated (this can be selected to view in the future). 





When would I need to void a billing in CMiC? 

While it is recommended that revisions or true-up billings are entered rather than voiding a billing CMiC, sometimes a void is necessary if: 

  • The billing posting date is after the date of the deposit 

  • An incorrect year was entered 

  • The contract with the owner was terminated 

  • The billing was entered twice 

  • The client (customer) code was incorrect 

  • A risk code was incorrect at the time the billing was entered 

Note: If a bill is not available for voiding, then it is due to AR being applied.  

Step by Step Process: 

STEP 1: Select Job Billing > Utilities > Void Posted Draw/Revision 



STEP 2: Enter in the posting date, which cannot be prior to the posting date of the invoice being voided. Enter in the job number in the Contract field and then click the “Apply Filter” button. The most current billing will appear, if multiple billings need to be voided, these steps will need to be repeated for each billing. 


STEP 3: There are two options for voiding posted invoices: 

Option 1: Select the invoice by checking the box and selecting “Void.” A message will appear next to the void button to indicate that the billing has been voided. 





Option 2: Select the edit icon to view the details of the billing that need to be voided. Check the white box under “Select” then click the “Void” button. A message will appear next to the void button to indicate that the billing has been voided. 









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