BTech Support


How to Import a Foreign Batch, Delete Data, and Perform a Reversal

Modified on: Fri, May 20 2022 5:37 PM

How to Import a Foreign Batch, Delete Data, and Perform a Reversal

Document Overview 
- This document will guide how to import, delete, and reverse a foreign batch 
NOTE: Access is limited. Please reach out to the Operations Accounting Manager and Supervisors for assistance. 
A .txt file of the journal entry is required to upload in CMiC. The below steps explain the process.  

  1. Open the journal entry and save it as a CSV Document (MS-DOS)(*.csv)  

  1. Optional: Add “csv” to the title of the file name 


  1. Click OK, and close the Excel file 



  1. Right-click the CSV file you just saved, select “Open with” and click “Notepad” 


  1. Delete everything highlighted in Red: 


  1. Once deleted, the file should look like this: 



  1. Click File, Save As, Add “txt” to file name. Click Save and close the file 



  1. Log in to CMiC Enterprise > Job Costing > Utilities > Import > Foreign Batch Import 



  1. Click on “Multi Companies Import” > Click “Choose File” to select your file (Select the .TXT file) > Click Import 


  1. Once you click Import the top of the screen will show Total Records Inserted 




  1. Click Close and Click Refresh 


  1. Once the Refresh is complete, you will see your Import. Select your Import and click Proceed: 



  1. If everything in the import file is correct, you should be able to click on “Build JC Transaction Batch”. If not, the button will be grayed out. If it is grayed out click on Edit Import Data to review the errors. 


  1. If the “Build JC Transaction Batch” is grayed out, click on Edit Imported Data and click Display Data to populate the imported transactions. 

  1. Once populated, scroll down to find the line item(s) missing a check mark in the “Valid” column 

  1. Click the transaction line and the error will populate in the indicated area on the screenshot below. You can send a screenshot of this to the Project Accountant who prepared the journal entry to fix the errors. 

  1. Once fixed, you can make the adjustment on this screen (click “Re-Validate” and then click “Close”), or Import the new file following the steps above. 



  1. If you choose to import a new file, remember to click “Delete Imported Data” and Click “Yes” 


  1. If everything on the import is correct, or you’ve made the necessary corrections, the “Build JC Transaction Batch” will be available to select: 

  1. DSRC Company Code = 010 

  1. Batch Number = click Create Batch  


  1. Click Inset and add your Foreign Batch Description. Once you click Save the batch # will populate 


  1. Click Select once the batch # is populated: 


  1. Journal Code = JC 

  1. Click Create Transactions 

  1. Status will show the # of records inserted into the batch you just created 




  1. Click close, then click exit 


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