BTech Support


Closing Jobs with Changes in Textura Fees

Modified on: Fri, May 20 2022 12:58 PM

Closing Jobs with Changes in Textura Fees

Start of a Job 
- Swinerton projects that are setup in Textura are charged an initial usage fee at the start of the job  
- Textura usage fees are dependent upon the project’s contract value (Textura Pricing Schedule on the last two pages of this guide)  
- A project’s contract value is found in the Potential Revenue field on its Job Start Form: Z:\SI\Accounting\SF\Accounting\JIP\Job starts 

Close of a Job 
- Prior to closing a job, the contract value needs to be manually adjusted in Textura if does not match the contract value in CMiC. Both systems need to match 
- Integration between Textura/CMiC is focused on subcontract information (contracts, change orders, compliance status, invoices, payments) 
- Any updates to the contract value needs to be completed BY THE PROJECT ACCOUNTANT in Textura 

If the change in contract value causes the project to move from one Textura tier to another the fee is automatically recalculated and charged/refunded for the difference. These Textura invoices and credits are available the month following the project activity.  

If you are NOT CLOSING THE JOB on the current month: 
You can just wait for the invoice to be processed (sent to Project Setup by Textura). This cost will then hit the job once the invoice has been processed in AP Workflow. 

If you ARE CLOSING THIS JOB on the current month: 
If the job is closing in the current month, the Financial Manager needs to be aware that the contract amount has been changed and that if the job closes, the fee or credit will be put on the Division’s Overhead. 

Example Below:  
Job 17293068 was initially setup in Textura with a Potential Revenue of $800,000 (per the Job Start Form). The Textura usage fee fell under the tiered price structure of $650.  

To double check the charge has hit the job, go to Job Costing > Logs > Transaction Detail. Enter the job number and apply filters to search by Phase 015425, Cateogry 71150, and Type “C” for costs. 


Prior to closing the job, check to see if there has been a change to the project’s TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE. Go to JOB COSTING > Job > Enter Job. 


Adjusting the Project Contract Value in Textura 

To adjust the project contract value in Textura, go to Project Home > My Contract > My Change Orders. Fill out the required fields and then Click “Add”. 

You will see “Success” appear when it has been updated.  


The final step is to enter the difference in the “Allocate” column and then click “Save Changes”.  




Swinerton Oracle TPM Pricing – For Projects Setup AFTER December 2018 


Swinerton Oracle TPM Pricing – For Projects Setup BEFORE December 2018 

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