BTech Support


How to Attach Backup Documentation to an Owner Billing

Modified on: Fri, Apr 29 2022 10:25 AM

How to Attach Backup Documentation to an Owner Billing 

Document Overview 
- Upload and attach an Owner billing PDF file to an invoice  
- Beneficial for audits, inquiries, backup, etc.  

Sample View Below. 



  1. Accounts Receivable  

  1. Query  

  1. Invoice Query 





  1. Enter Company number 

  1. Enter the project number in the “Job Code” field 

  1. Click Query Data 



  1. Locate the correct invoice from the table 

  1. Click the desired row of data so the cells turn blue 

  1. Click Attachments 






  1. Click Choose Files, or drag and drop the file inside the dotted box to upload the PDF document 

  1. Click Ok 




  1. The file was successfully uploaded when a number appears next to the Attachments icon. This number also symbolizes the quantity of files uploaded to the specific invoice.  



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