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Contract Forecasting Screen Navigation - Tips & Tricks

Modified on: Fri, Nov 17 2023 10:55 AM

Contract Forecasting Screen Navigation - Tips & Tricks

Adjusting your screen/columns

STEP 1: Click ellipsis in browser

STEP 2: Adjust Zoom until you can see all columns

STEP 3: You can adjust the size of your columns

STEP 4: You can expand the screen over the treeview

Any number in blue font, you can click on and drill down to the items that make up that number

Note: If you drill down on one of the Unposted PCI columns, it will take you to the PCI Projection screen where you can make adjustments to Risk. It will also allow you to drill down further into the PCI itself

Using the Freeze Functionality

Note: Freeze will keep your Cost and Revenue Forecast numbers in place even if additional costs, commitments or PCIs are created/posted that would increase or decrease the Forecast using the system default calculation. Freeze is risky as additional cost could hit a frozen line and not be included in the forecast. Freeze should be used sparingly. Frozen lines should be verified EVERY MONTH.

Note: CMiC default calculation for the Cost Forecast is the higher of the Current Cost Budget or Spent/Committed Total plus Adjusted PCIs. 

• If your override is more than what the system would calculate, your override will remain month to month without having to freeze. 

• If your override is less than what the system would calculate, your override will not remain month to month. The system default calculation will replace your override next month unless the line is frozen.

Adding a Note

STEP 1: Click on the desired line item

STEP 2: Click the Notes button

STEP 3: Click Add Notes

STEP 4: Enter Subject

STEP 5: Enter Note

STEP 6: Click Submit

Note: You can then decide later to close the note, edit the note or delete the note

Adding an Attachment

STEP 1: Click on the desired line item

STEP 2: Click the Attachments button

STEP 3: Click Upload Multiple

Note: Upload New works if the document is already in Document Management, it does not take you out to your computer

STEP 4: Choose your file

STEP 5: Click Upload

STEP 6: Click Proceed

STEP 5: Click Save


Note: Filtering allows you to review your forecast in smaller sections, the screenshot below gives you a couple of examples

STEP 1: Click Filter icon at bottom of screen

STEP 2: Choose what you want to filter by

STEP 3: Click Add

STEP 4: Choose the specifics

STEP 5: Click Ok

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