How to Run a Voided Invoice Report by Vendor
Modified on: Thu, Apr 21 2022 4:51 PMHow to Run a Voided Invoice Report by Vendor
Document Overview
- Report contains both voided subcontracts and vouchers (AP invoices)
- Report includes invoice date/number, original/voided batch numbers, and amounts
- Ability to search for invoices during a specific duration
- Report provides information on whether an invoice has been voided out of the system
NOTE: This report ONLY offers a search by vendor, NOT by job number.
Sample Report Below.
Accounts Payable
Voided Item List
Enter desired search parameters
“From Vendor” and “To Vendor” (this will show a specific vendor and their invoices that have been voided on ALL jobs)
“From Invoice Date” and “To Invoice Date” (optional - this will show a specific vendor and their invoices that have been voided on ALL jobs during a time period)
Click Run Report