BTech Support


How to Run a Voided Invoice Report by Vendor

Modified on: Thu, Apr 21 2022 4:51 PM

How to Run a Voided Invoice Report by Vendor

Document Overview 
- Report contains both voided subcontracts and vouchers (AP invoices) 
- Report includes invoice date/number, original/voided batch numbers, and amounts 
- Ability to search for invoices during a specific duration  
- Report provides information on whether an invoice has been voided out of the system 

NOTE: This report ONLY offers a search by vendor, NOT by job number. 

Sample Report Below. 







  1. Accounts Payable  

  1. Reports 

  1. Voided Item List 



  1. Enter desired search parameters 

  1. “From Vendor” and “To Vendor” (this will show a specific vendor and their invoices that have been voided on ALL jobs) 

  1. “From Invoice Date” and “To Invoice Date” (optional - this will show a specific vendor and their invoices that have been voided on ALL jobs during a time period) 

  1. Click Run Report 


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