Job Billing Project Setup Process
Modified on: Wed, Apr 13 2022 11:53 AMJob Billing Project Setup Process
Document Overview
- Project data validation
- Quality management
- Insurance and GRT coding setup
NOTE: This process is performed by Project Setup only. Access is limited. Each project is uniquely setup based on project location, risk, scope, and Owner information.
Sample Report Below.
Job Billing
Enter Contract
Click the Query by Example search icon
Type the project number
Press Enter
Click the pencil edit icon
On the “Billing Items” tab you need to verify the following information is correct using your Jobstart Form to cross check. What is in CMiC Job Billing, should match the information on the Jobstart Form. If it is not the same, update the information accordingly so that the information matches.
Job = Project number and name
Contract = Project number and name (this comes from Boomi)
Customer = Customer default number and name
Rate Code = STND
Approved Date = Actual closing date (should match Contract Date)
Start Date = Construction start date
Contract Date = Actual closing date (should match Approved Date)
End Date = Construction end date
Spread Rule = BELL (for all jobs)
On the “Defaults” tab, verify the pre-populated Retainage Code matches what is on your Jobstart Form.
Confirm the following boxes are checked:
“Warn If There Are Categories Without Bill Codes”
“Material Stored Included In Calculated Billing Amount”
“Detail PCI Billing”
On the “Address” tab, verify the pre-populated address matches the partner address that is listed on your Jobstart Form. If it does not match, update to the correct address so that it matches what is on your Jobstart Form.
On the “Description” tab, verify the pre-populated “Name” matches the project name on your Jobstart Form.
Verify/Enter coding for the “Invoice Format”. Below are the various codes depending on the project:
1701 = Standard (Used for ALL Swinerton and Swinerton Company jobs)
SMC1 = Swinerton Management & Consulting (Used for ALL Swinerton Management & Consulting jobs)
In this example we are setting up a Swinerton GC job. Verify 1701 auto-populated in the white search box next to “Invoice Format”. If nothing is there or a different number is present, update to 1701.
Verify the Department auto populated correctly (this is found on your jobstart form or in Boomi).
Navigate to the “Risk Management” tab.
Click the “Insert” icon at the top of the tool bar (the first section under “Contract Information”)
A new empty white row will appear.
In our example, the insurance code we need to apply is PLP, M51. To do that, in the white search box, under the “Code” column, type M51.
If the project requires GRT to be applied, repeat Step 17 above and input the correct GRT coding.
Click the “Save” icon.
Click the “Exit” icon.