BTech Support


CPM - Create a Contact

Modified on: Thu, Oct 6 2022 7:47 AM


Overview of how to create a new contact on a project.

Note: It is a best practice to ALWAYS search to ensure the contact you want to create does not already exist in the system. You can do this by first following the Assign a Contact guide and, if they do not exist, then continue with creation. ALL Swinerton employees already exist in CMiC as a contact and should NEVER be recreated.

Note: When creating a new contact, or assigning an existing contact through CMiC Construct Project Management, you cannot assign them a role (PM, PE, Architect, Sub, etc.); you will need to complete that task on the web version.

Note: The CMiC Construct Project Management how-to documents include basic instructions for the setup and use of the mobile app. For more detailed information on business processes, please see the guides HERE



1. Navigate to the Contacts module in the springboard.

2. Tap on the action button and choose New Contact.

3. Enter all needed information about the new contact you can provide, including name, phone number(s), email address, and select the Business Partner they work for under the Company drop-down menu.

4. Tap the check mark in the top right to complete and add the new contact.

5. The new contact will now appear in the Contacts list.

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