BTech Support


Android: Outlook for Mobile setup (and ActiveSync Removal)

Modified on: Wed, Oct 23 2024 5:07 PM

Android Account Removal and Setup



Step-by-step instructions for removing your Swinerton email account from an Android device, and setting it back up in the Outlook mobile app.

PLEASE BE AWARE - Removing this account will also remove all associated contacts from your mobile phone. To restore these to the local Contacts app on your device, after following the steps below, please see this guide: Restore Contact Information


The Microsoft Outlook app is recommended for use on your mobile devices. It integrates your Swinerton email, calendars, to-dos, and global address list in one location. You can download it from the Google Play Store here: Microsoft Outlook

For access to your saved notes, you'll need to install the Microsoft Office app from the Google Play Store here: Microsoft Office

How to install the Microsoft Outlook Application

1. Install the Outlook app via the Play Store on your device, then open it

2. Tap Get Started

3. Enter your full email address, then tap Continue

4. Enter your Swinerton login password, then tap Sign In

You can find instructions on how to configure multiple settings in the Outlook app, including Focused Inbox, swipe options, notifications, etc. via the Microsoft Support page here: Optimize the Outlook mobile app on your iOS or Android device

How to remove your Microsoft Outlook Account

Removing your account is done to start from scratch of for troubleshooting purposes.



1. Scroll down from the top screen, and select the Gear icon to take you to Settings.

2. Scroll down and select Accounts and backup.

3. Select Manage accounts

4. Select your Swinerton work account

5. Select Remove account

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