Business Partner Request
Modified on: Wed, Dec 29 2021 5:14 PMOn the Enterprise Tree view:
STEP 1: Click on Accounts Payable > Maintain Business Partner
STEP 2: Search to see if the vendor already exists by entering BP# or Name in "Find" field then click "go". Click Search for advanced option and data filters
STEP 3: If you click Search, apply data filters/values and click "Apply Filter"
STEP 4: If BP is not found, click "Add New" for new setup
STEP 5: Enter BP Information, fill out required fields (A-L)
- Please enter information in "ALL CAPS"
- When complete click "Save" (m), this will generate BP code - Step 6.
- *** Please note BP is not yet Active ***
STEP 6: Generate Code
STEP 7: Click on User Extension > BP Update Request.
STEP 8: Click Insert.
STEP 9: Enter BP type, Net Terms, and additional information to AP. You can click the magnifying glass for list of values. Click Save when done.
STEP 10: Click Attachments to upload W9.
STEP 11: Click "Choose Files" to search file for upload or Drag/drop in the dotted line box. Then click "Upload"
STEP 12: The Attachment Button will show "(1)" after uploading a file.
STEP 13: Click Save and Exit.