AP Voucher - Adjust Posted Distribution / Re-class
Modified on: Wed, Jan 19 2022 6:50 PMAdjust Posted Distribution / Re-class
On the Enterprise treeview:
STEP 1: Click on Accounts Payable > Voucher > Adjust Distributions
STEP 2: Train 1 - Enter Adjustments
- Select Company and create a batch for process.
- Lookup the Vendor and invoice # you want to adjust.
- Enter Adjustment Date and Description.
- Click "Distribution"
- Click "Insert" to add a row, enter job coding to credit back the charges
- Click "Insert" again to add a row, enter job coding to debit the correct charges.
- Note: You can use "Insert Multiple" to add several rows for multi-distribution.
- Once complete. Click "Accept" and return to "Enter Adjustments" Screen.
OPTIONAL: You can add/delete vouchers to be adjusted and use previous/next to navigate entries in that batch.
STEP 4: Train 2 Print Edit List - Select the Batch you want to view report. Click "Print".
STEP 5: Click "Run Report"
STEP 6: Train 3 Post Invoices - Select Batch to Post, Enter Post Date, and then click "Post Batch"