Using the Transmittal Queue
Modified on: Sat, Apr 16 2022 3:17 PMUsing the Transmittal Queue
When you receive several different submittals from either the same subcontractor or different subcontractors you will be able to “Queue” different transmittals so that you can then only send one transmittal to a single contact.
STEP 1: Click on Document Management in the tree view
STEP 2: Click Submittals
STEP 3: In the Log View screen, open the Submittal you wish to change the status for by clicking the blue link.
STEP 5: On the first line, enter Action Date (the date the submittal was received by you from the Subcontractor) and change the status from Anticipated to Received.
STEP 6: On the second line, enter Action Date (the date you are planning to send the submittal to the Arch) and change the status from blank to Submitted
STEP 7: Click the Queue Transmittal button at the top
STEP 8: Double check that it is going to the person you want it to go to and click Process.
STEP 9: Click Close
STEP 10: Back on the History Detail screen, click Save then Close.
Repeat Steps 3-10 for all the submittals you have ready to go to the architect. Once you are ready to send everything to the Architect go to step 11.
STEP 11: Click on Communication Management in the tree view
STEP 12: Click Transmittals Queue
STEP 13: Click on the box in the upper left corner to include all items going to the same contact. (Make sure the box is checked to “Combine Transmittals to Same Contact”)
STEP 14: Click Create Transmittals
STEP 15: Click on the blue number that appears in the Transmittal No. column.
STEP 16: The Transmittal module will open up. Click Edit.
STEP 17: Edit information as needed. Add CC’s if needed (you can utilize distribution groups here too).
STEP 18: Click the Save button
STEP 19: If your Architect is Collaborative, click Submit button.
STEP 19 ALT: If your Architect is NOT Collaborative, go to step 20 below.
Next Steps for Non-Collaboration on CMiC
STEP 20: Click Print Report
STEP 21: Click Print in the pop-up window. If you have attachments, make sure you click the circle at the bottom to include the attachments in the Transmittal.
STEP 22: Change Destination to Email
STEP 23: Confirm the To address is correct, add any CC's not listed, update the Subject & Message sections, and ensure all attachments have been included as listed. Then, click Send.