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Process a Returned Submittal (Returned from Arch Forward to Sub)

Modified on: Tue, Apr 19 2022 9:29 AM

Process a Returned Submittal (Returned from Arch Forward to Sub)


Once you receive the Submittal response from the architect, this response must be recorded and forwarded to the subcontractor. For more information & Best Practices, go to the Daily Documentation page on SwinNet. Also, work with your superintendent on Critical Procurement items to ensure the submittal status has been updated in the P6 schedule.

Click HERE for the how-to guide for Using Packages to Manage the Submittal Process 

Using Collaboration

STEP 1: Go to the Submittals log view

STEP 2: Filter or Search by the Status "Reviewed by Architect" 

STEP 3: Click on the first submittal that has been "Reviewed by Architect"

STEP 4: Review the Notes Tab or the Description on the Attachments tab, depending on how the Architects wanted to let you know the status (their response)

STOP: Click HERE for the how-to guide if the Submittal is returned "Revise and Resubmit". Otherwise proceed to step 5.

Not Using Collaboration

STEP 1a: Navigate to the Submittal that has been Returned by the Architect. Go to Step 5.

BOTH Processes

STEP 5: Click on Edit History

STEP 6: In the pop-up screen:

Row 3 (Returned): Date will already be populated for projects using collaboration. Otherwise, enter the Action Date (date the architect returned the submittal), click Cancel on the pop-up to keep the system generated dates, and change the Status to match the Architect's response. 

Row 4 (Forwarded): Enter the Action Date (date you are forwarding the architect's response to the sub) and change the Status to match the Architect's response. 

STEP 7: Check the box next to Forwarded in the Tmsm (transmittal) column

STEP 8: Click Create Transmittal

STEP 9: Click Process

STEP 10: Open the Transmittal by clicking on the Transmittal No. link in blue

STEP 12: Click Edit in the Transmittal window

STEP 13: Complete the Transmittal (For more detail on creating a transmittal, click HERE)

a. Add any CC's
b. In the Content Section, click the Submittal(s) box (and any other relevant box)
c. In the Actions Section, click the For your use box
d. Make any Remarks you might need to
e. Click Submit

STEP 14: If Not Using Collaboration or Returning a Submittal via Mail, click Print Report to generate a transmittal that can be included in an email or package with the submittal response from the architect. Otherwise, go to step 15.

STEP 15: Close out of all windows till you are back at the submittal detail record.

STEP 16: Attach any additional documents such as emails, transmittals, shipping information etc to complete this submittal record.

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