BTech Support


Process a Submittal from a Sub to the Architect

Modified on: Mon, May 9 2022 12:01 PM

Process a Submittal from a Sub to the Architect


Once you have all of your anticipated submittals created, the next step is collecting the submittals, reviewing them, and submitting them to the Architect (if of sufficient quality and document compliance). For more information & Best Practices, go to the Daily Documentation page on SwinNet.

This guide will walk through the steps to update the status of the individual submittal, printing a cover page and save a complete submittal packet within the Submittal record. Note that this guide is for project NOT using collaboration.

Click HERE for the how-to guide for Using Packages to Manage the Submittal Process 

STEP 1: Navigate to the Submittal that has been Received from the Subcontractor. 

STEP 2: Click on Edit History

STEP 3: In the pop-up screen:

Row 1: Enter the Action Date (date the project team received the submittal from the vendor), click Cancel on the pop-up to keep the system generated dates, and change the Status to Received 

Row 2: Enter the Action Date (date you are submitting this submittal to the architect) and change the Status to Submitted (assuming the submittal has been reviewed by the team and is sufficient)

STEP 4: Click Save then Close

STEP 5: To create the Submittal Cover Page, click Print Report from the Submittal Detail tab

STEP 6: In the pop-up window

Report Name should be "WORD:Submittal Record-SB"

Template should be: "Submittal Record-SB"

STEP 7: Click Print, then Run Report

STEP 8: Review the Downloaded word document to make sure everything is correct.

STEP 9: Click Create PDF from the Bluebeam Tab in word save to your desktop, but leave it open in BlueBeam.

Note: if this doesn't work, then print to PDF

STEP 10: Combine this Cover Page with the subcontractor's PDF submittal, your review markups, and your Electronic Stamp in BlueBeam (click HERE for the BlueBeam how-to guide)

STEP 11: Save the new combined file to the Project's Submittal folder on the Z Drive

NOTE: At this point the submittal packet can be emailed to the architect and other team members as needed. If mailing or hand delivering a submittal (such as samples) be sure to include a Transmittal (click HERE for transmittal how-to guide).

STEP 12: Navigate back to the Submittal in CMiC and stay on the Submittal Detail page

STEP 13: Scroll down to the Documents section to drag and drop the file into the upload field. Once uploaded here it is also added to the Attachments tab - NOTE: The Bluebeam Review button does not work in the Attachments Tab. Click HERE for more info.

NEXT STEP: Process a Returned Submittal (Returned from Arch Forward to Sub)

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