How to Submit an MSA/MPSA
Modified on: Wed, Mar 2 2022 3:45 PMHow to Submit an MSA/MPSA
Once an Master Subcontract Agreement (MSA) or Master Professional Services Agreement (MPSA) have been returned from the Subcontractor, it needs to be entered into the Prequal module in CMiC.
STEP 1: Click on the 4 next to Subcontractor Prequalification then click on Submit MSA/MPSA.
STEP 2: Complete the MSA/MPSA form, attach the fully executed MSA and click Save at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: If submitting an MPSA, enter YES in the MPSA field. Otherwise, leave it blank.
STEP 3: You will then be taken to the SwinNet Legal Page to confirm your submission.