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Subcontractor Self Service Prequalification Application (Directions for Sub)

Modified on: Wed, Apr 6 2022 11:58 AM

Subcontractor Self Service Prequalification Application (Directions for Sub)

STEP 1: From, scroll to the bottom and select Subcontractors:

STEP 2: Click on Subcontractor Prequalification 

STEP 3: Review and Gather required documents. If you are a new business, and have less than 12 months of financial data, contact with this information. We will work with you and our project team to determine the best course of action. 

STEP 4: Follow the directions as noted depending if you are a Current or New Subcontractor:

The following STEPS are for once you are logged into the system:

STEP 5: A Federal Tax ID can only exist ONCE in the system. Duplicates are not allowed.

Enter the desired information into the Please Enter your Federal Tax ID: field and click OK.

NOTE: The Tax ID should be entered WITHOUT the hyphen. 

STEP 6: Choose a password and enter it into the Password field.

STEP 7: Enter the same password into the Confirm field and click OK.

STEP 8: Enter the Year Company Founded.

STEP 9: Enter the Company Name in ALL CAPS.

STEP 10: Enter the Legal Name and Parent Corp. if applicable.

STEP 11: Enter company Payment Address into the Address, Suite, City, State, Zip, and Country fields in ALL CAPS. 

STEP 12: Enter Contact information for the company’s main prequalification contact. This should be the Name, Phone, Fax, and E-mail of the person Swinerton will speak with regarding prequalification.

STEP 13: Select the regions in which the company does business, or choose Select All Regions. 

STEP 14: Click Next. 

STEP 15: Input information for the company’s license. Choose a state from the Authority list. Input the Class, License Number, and Date Expire.

STEP 16: Click the Add Row button and repeat the above step to add additional licenses issued to this company.

STEP 17: In the Trade Information area, use the triangle button to pull up a list of trades. Select any and all trades associated with the company and click Accept.

STEP 18: Select all Certifications that apply to the business. If none apply, Select 00-N/A. 

STEP 19: In the Certifying Agency Names area, enter a certifying agency associated with one of the previously chosen Certifications. The system will either accept this agency or a pop-up box will appear asking if you wish to add it. Answer Yes to this question. If you are MBE

STEP 20: Use Add Row and continue to follow the above step until all needed certifying agencies are added. 
STEP 21: Answer Yes or No to “Is your firm signatory to any unions?”
STEP 22: If Yes is selected for the above item, click Add Row under the Union Affiliations section. Enter the name of the company’s union. The system will either accept this union or a pop-up box will appear asking if you wish to add it. Answer Yes to this question.

STEP 23: Use Add Row and continue to input unions until all have been added. 
STEP 24: Click Next.
STEP 25: Add the company’s Insurance Broker Name and General Liability insurance expiration date.

STEP 26: Answer Yes or No to We have reviewed….
STEP 27: If No, check the reason in one of the boxes below.

STEP 28: Answer the questions about the company’s Safety Information. 

STEP 29: Input all remaining Safety metrics.

STEP 30: Click Next.

STEP 31: Answer Yes or No to Is your Company Bondable?
STEP 32: If the answer is Yes, fill out the Surety information below.

STEP 33: Fill in all required Financial Information.

STEP 34: Enter Subsidiary Names and Parent Organization, if applicable.

STEP 35: Always select No for the D&B Paydex No field. Swinerton does not use this, but it is a required item.

STEP 36: Fill in at least one Company Officer. Use the Add Row feature to provide information for additional officers.

STEP 37: Click Next.
STEP 38: Add information for the company’s financial contact.

STEP 39: Add information for the company’s Bank Reference fields.

STEP 40: Answer Yes or No to the Litigation Information questions.
STEP 41: If answering Yes to any of the Litigation Information questions, a description is required.

STEP 42: References are not required by the corporate subcontractor prequalification program; however some Swinerton divisions may ask for them. If References are needed, utilize the available fields.
STEP 43: Click Next.
STEP 44: Provide the required documents. Enter a Description

STEP 45: Click Browse… to search for and select that document on your computer.

STEP 46: Click Add Row to provide additional documents until all are attached.

STEP 47: After all documents are uploaded, click Next.

STEP 48: 
Scroll through the summary page to verify that all information is correct.
This is the opportunity to change data that may be incorrect. Use the Previous Link to go back and make corrections on prior pages.

STEP 49: Click the Print button to print a copy of the application.
STEP 50: Click the Submit button to officially submit your application.
Once this button is pressed, the application can no longer be edited and the password is now void.

STEP 51: An e-mail will be automatically sent to the recipient provided in STEP 9. Please allow up to 30 days for processing of this request.

You may also email at any time for an update.

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