Quality in CMiC in 2 Parts
Modified on: Tue, Apr 19 2022 8:37 PMQuality in CMiC in 2 Parts
Part 1
Submittals – Import your selected Definable Features of Work items with all of your other submittals for your project. This module tracks Pre-Installation Meetings and First Work Inspection tasks.
The submittal import template is loaded with a standard set of Quality Definable Features of Work (Assemblies). You can add or remove items as needed to complete your quality list.
Use the Activity Start Date Field to establish timing of when this work will start and when you need to have the tasks completed.
Use the Quality Submittal Log to view all quality submittals and related information.
Part 2
Issues (Quality Deficiencies) - Use the Issues module to track quality deficiencies on your project. This module is now collaborative, so you can send the subs the issue for resolution.
1. Subject: Short Description, i.e. Near Miss – Crane
2. Type: Type of Issue.
3. Status: Status of Issue. Change to Closed when completed.
4. Severity: If something bad happened, how severe would it be… i.e. tripping hazard (low)
5. To: The subcontract/business partner this issue is related to
6. Responsibility: The Subcontractor who was associated. There has to be a contact in the system to select a sub… we are not worried about the contact, but the Company is what is important.
7. Description: Long description of the issue at hand. This field hold over 1500 characters
8. Resolution & Resolution Date: If the issue is resolved, enter the description of such and the date it was resolved.
9. Save or Submit