Kick Start Your Quality Management Program
Modified on: Tue, Apr 19 2022 8:34 PMKick Start Your Quality Management Program – How To Put Together a Basic QA/QC Program
Visit the Project Workflow of Quality Activities page on SwinNet for more the most up to date information.
Every Swinerton Quality Management Program starts with the same basic elements
A. Design Phase – Decide what scopes or assemblies of work your team will manage (i.e. Definable Features of Work)
i. Pick the key, riskiest elements of your project
1.Building Exterior – Curtain Wall, Plaster Systems, Precast, Masonry, etc.
2.Building Fenestration – Doors, Windows, Louvers, etc.
3.Roofing and Waterproofing at any location
4.Plumbing and Wet Mechanical Systems
5.Soils, Underground Work, or Compaction
6.Flooring – Floor Preparations, Moisture Issues, and Flooring Installation
7.High Level Finishes in any area
8.Items of particular concern for your client
ii.Do not duplicate items covered by other inspection protocol (OSHPD, Federal, Specifications)
iii.Do not over-do it, keep the number of items to a reasonable number based on your project
B. .Preparatory Phase - Pre-installation Meetings
i.Gather the key parties
ii.Review the key elements of the work
iii.Record the established standards in meeting minutes
C. Production Phase – First Work Inspections
i.Takes place when first portion of work is in place
ii.Gather the key parties
iii.Review the standards established in the Pre-installation Meeting
iv.Confirm the work in place conforms to the standards
v.Establish follow-up for any non-conforming work
vi.Record the process and commitments in meeting minutes
D. Follow-up Phase – Follow –up Inspections and Deficiency Tracking
i.Formal QC Follow-up Meeting
1.Perform as needed
a.If significant deficiencies were noted in the First Work Inspection
b.If ongoing deficiencies are noted as work progresses
c.If conditions change (e.g. New Crew, New Foreman, after temporary stoppage of work)
2.Follow the First Work Inspection Protocol
ii.Ongoing Quality Inspections
1.Take place on a continuous basis
2.Note Quality Deficiencies
3.Track Deficiencies through resolution
2.What Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) we track
a.Pre-Installation Meetings
b.First Work Inspections
c.Quality Deficiencies
ii.In Progress
d.Third Party Envelop Review
3.How We can track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
a.Pre-Installation Meetings
i.Plan, schedule, and track through CMiC Submittal Module
ii.Record actions through CMiC Meeting Minutes (or checklists on small, simple projects), attached to Submittal
b.First Work Inspections and Formal Follow-up Inspections
i.Plan, schedule, and track through CMiC Submittal Module
ii.Record actions through CMiC Meeting Minutes (or checklists on small, simple projects), attached to Submittal
c.Quality Deficiencies
i.Record and Track through one of two methods
1.CMiC Issues Module
2.BIM360Field Issues Module
d.Quality KPI’s tracked through any method must be entered on a monthly basis in the Project Status Report submitted by the Project Team