Navigating the Quality Tracker Report
Modified on: Tue, Apr 12 2022 5:59 PMQuality Tracker Report
Accessing the Quality Tracker Report:
CMiC Field > Reports > Site Reports > Quality Tracker Report
Basic Directions:
Take the Water+Min5 scope list that your team and your Division Quality Manager have decided on and enter a Pre-Installation Meeting internal submittal (for SB use only) for each item (Best Practices are to use a package for these, and/or note PIM in the names), while noting it to be a Quality type, a Yes for Definable Feature of Work (bottom left) and noting the quality submittal type appropriately (bottom right). As the PIMs are completed, upload the notes and change status to “Closed”. Using Autodesk’s 360 Field for Deficiency Tracking, First Work Inspections, Material Verifications, and Progress Photos will automatically pull to CMiC the counts.
Performing and documenting these tasks this way will get your project a score of 71%. The remaining score comes with entry of your Quality in P6 and identification of who the QC Representative is for your project.
Further Detail for the Quality Tracker:
Here are the detailed directions for each item’s tracking:
1. Water+Min5: Is a Y in the scorecard and counts the number of your internal Pre-Installation Mtg submittals having the W+M5 box marked Yes. Submittals should be status of “Anticipated” to begin counting (also counts once Closed). These are to be set up from your team’s agreed list at the beginning of the project and entered along with your specification derived submittal log.
2. Deficiencies Total/Open: Is a Y and counts them when either entered in 360 Field or CMiC.
3. Pre-Installation Meeting: Is a Y from your CMiC internal submittal, after the minutes have been uploaded into the anticipated submittal and the status is “Closed”.
4. First Work Inspection:
a. To catch up: this is a Y from your CMiC internal submittal, marked type as Quality AND Quality Submittal Type marked FWI after the checklist has been uploaded and the submittal status is changed to “Closed”.
b. Moving Forward, these are automatically counted from the FWI checklists entered in 360 Field. The first item direction on the checklist is to place an “FWI” in the header tag. At this time only, the CMiC submittal will no longer be required.
5. Material Verification:
a. To catch up: this is a Y from your CMiC internal submittal, marked type as Quality AND Quality Submittal Type marked Material Verification after the checklist has been uploaded and the submittal status is changed to “Closed”.
b. Moving Forward, these are automatically counted from the MV checklists entered in 360 Field (there is “MV” in the header tag of the MV template). At this time only, the CMiC submittal will no longer be required.
6. Scheduling Quality Tasks in P6: Once the quality tasks for your W+M5 list have been entered into P6 as explained in the “Quality in P6 Scheduling” directions, and you have sent the first filtered forecast to your Division Quality Manager, this can be checked Yes within your project’s CMiC General data.
7. Project Quality Representative: This is pulled from the CMiC Project Contact Directory when someone has been given the PM Role of PQR. This is NOT your Divisional Quality Manager. This is a project team member that has been chosen to be the Gatekeeper of the majority of your Quality Documentation and/or the Gatekeeper of your 360 Field. This person is NOT the only person on the project who “does Quality” nor the only person who uses 360 Field, they are the wrangler of the other roles for the quality tasks.