Navigating the Project Status Report (PSR)
Modified on: Wed, Oct 30 2024 3:08 PMNavigating the Project Status Report (PSR)
Note: This report includes a series of smaller reports with project data from various areas of CMiC to create a comprehensive overview of the project. This report is used on a monthly basis to communicate to Division Management, Corporate Management and Swinerton business partners the status of each project.
STEP 1: Always make sure you have gone into Contract Forecasting and clicked Go > Refresh All before you try to print your PSR
STEP 2: Expand Reports
STEP 3: Expand Budget & Cost Reports
STEP 4: Expand Job Costing
STEP 5: Click Project Status Report - PM
STEP 6: Enter the information for the project you want to run the PSR for
Note: No need to change the Current Period/Prior Period unless you are specifically running a report for a prior period
STEP 7: Click Run Report
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Name: |
Phases/Categories are summarized into Types: Labor, Rentals, Materials, Subcontracts, Admin and Other, Insurance Taxes and Bonds, Allowance, Contingency, Buyout, Non‐Reimbursables, Joint Venture, Claim Costs, Claim Recovery, Contract Fee, Adjustments. |
B |
Spent This period: | Costs posted to the job during the month the report is for |
C |
Spent To Date: | Costs posted to the job since inception |
D |
Spent/Committed Total: | The higher of Spent or Committed plus Spent outside of Commitment |
E |
Cost to Cmplt Inc. PCIs | Cost to Complete as calculated or overridden manually in field or adjusted via the Pop up + Unposted PCIs |
F |
Cost Forecast: | Cost Forecast as calculated or overridden in Contract Forecasting. This should be the projected final cost to complete the project including all anticipated change order work. |
G |
Current Revenue Budget: | Current Contract value with the Owner. |
H |
Anticipated COs: | Revenue Forecast – Current Revenue Budget = Anticipated COs. This is a calculation that reflects any revenue forecast reductions that were made in PCI Projections, or any revenue forecast overrides that were made in Contract Forecasting. If such adjustments have been made, this number will be different than the Total External PCIs recorded in Box 2, which is the amount the Owner sees on the PCI log. |
I |
Revenue Forecast: | Revenue Forecast as calculated or overridden in Contract Forecasting. This should be the projected final contract value with the Owner at the end of the project including all anticipated change orders. |
J |
Projected Gain/Loss: | Revenue Forecast – Cost Forecast = Projected Gain/Loss. The difference between what it is going to Cost to do the work and what the Owner is going to pay us. The FINAL Fee when the job is closed. |
K |
One Month Variance: | Prior Month Projected Gain/Loss – This Month Projected Gain/Loss = One Month Variance |
L |
% Cost Complete: | Spent To Date/Cost Forecast |
Row Details (from Top to Bottom):
M |
Contract Fee: | Should exist on all jobs (Revenue Budget only) and is Phase/Category 999999‐79999. |
N |
Adjustments: | Combines PM Cost and Revenue Adjustments and Financial Manager accruals. Refer to “Forecasting Philosophy” handout for details on when and how to use Adjustments. |
O |
Total: | Job Totals for each Column. Total under Projected Gain/Loss is your PM Projected Fee. |
P |
General Conditions: | Total of Phases and Categories on the job assigned to Phase Type “GC”, (value is already included in above.) |
Q |
Self-Performed Work | Total of Phases and Categories on the job assigned to the following Phase Types (CARP, CONC,DRYW,SOLA,SPGC or SPW(value is already included in above.) |
Note: Data for this report is from the External (CTO, ALLOWANCE & CONTINGENCY types) & TRANSFER Potential Change Items and Owner Change Orders.
Statement Summary, if any PCI forecasts have been adjusted in PCI Projections, or any Revenue Forecast amounts have been overridden in Contract Forecasting. Use comment 2 if amounts are not close.
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report |
C |
No.: | Number of PCIs in each Status |
D |
Current Amount: | Dollar value from the “Revenue Amount” column of the PCIs in each Status |
E |
Days: | Number of days from the “Estimated Days Impact” field in the PCI header for all the PCIs in each Status |
Row Details:
F |
Original Contract: |
Original Contract value with the Owner as shown in the Owner Change Order module. |
G |
Posted OCOs: | All OCOs that have been posted. |
H |
Current Contract: | Original Contract + Posted OCOs |
I |
Approved (Unposted) | All PCIs with a Status of "Approved" but have not been Posted |
J |
Submitted | All External PCIs with a Status of “Submitted” – Proceeding or Not Proceeding. |
K |
Pending / Resubmit: | All External PCIs with a Status of "Pending" - Proceeding or Not Proceeding All External PCIs with a Status of “Revise and Resubmit” – Proceeding or Not Proceeding. |
L |
Denied: | All External PCIs with a Status of “Denied” ‐ Proceeding or Not Proceeding. Denied status should never be used for Cancelled PCIs. Use Comment 2 if Denied PCIs exist. |
M |
Total External PCI’s: | Total of Submitted, Revise & Resubmit, Pending and Denied External PCIs. Use Comment 2 if this amount is less than the Total Anticipated CO’s in report 1 Job Forecast Statement Summary. |
N |
Projected Final: | Current Contract + Total External PCIs. This amount should equal the total the Owner sees on the PCI Log. It may not match the total of the Revenue Forecast Column of Report 1 Job Forecast |
O | Self Perform Unposted: | Total of all Self Perform projects Unposted External PCI's |
Note: Data for this report is from the External (CHANGE TO OWNER, ALLOWANCE & CONTINGENCY types) & TRANSFER Potential Change Items and Subcontract Change Orders.
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Proceeding: |
External PCIs with the status “Proceeding” not included in a posted OCO. |
B |
No.: | Number of External PCIs with the status “Proceeding” not included in a posted OCO. |
C |
Current Amount: | Dollar value of External PCIs with the status “Proceeding” not included in a posted OCO. Amount Proceeding should not exceed amount Owner Directed to Proceed. Use Comment 3 if condition exists. |
D |
Owner Direction: | Includes data from the “Owner Direction” field in the header of External PCIs. |
E |
Proceed: | Dollar value of External PCIs not included in a posted OCO with the Owner Direction of Proceed. |
F |
Under Protest: | Dollar value of External PCIs not included in a posted OCO with the Owner Direction of Proceed Under Protest. Use Comment 3 if amounts exist in Under Protest. |
G |
Advanced SCO Issued: | Subcontract Change Orders issued against External PCIs not in a posted OCO. |
H |
No.: | Number of Subcontract Change Orders issued against External PCIs not in a posted OCO. |
I |
Amount : | Dollar Value of Subcontract Change Orders issued against External PCIs not in a posted OCO. Use Comment 3 if Advanced SCOs exist. |
Row Details:
J | Submitted: |
External PCIs with the status “Submitted” for each column. |
K | Revise & Resubmit: | External PCIs with the status “Revise & Resubmit” for each column. |
L | Pending: | External PCIs with the status “Pending” for each column. |
M | Denied: | External PCIs with the status “Denied” for each column. |
N | Total External PCI’s: | Total External PCIs for each column. |
Note: Data for this report is from the Internal (NO CHANGE TO OWNER, BACKCHARGE types) Potential Change Items.
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report |
C |
No.: | Number of Internal PCIs not Posted. |
D |
Current Amount: | Dollar value of Internal PCIs not Posted. |
Row Details:
E |
NCTO’s: |
Unposted Internal PCIs with Type No Change To Owner. |
F |
BC’s: | Unposted Internal PCIs with Type Backcharge. Use Comment 4 if large number of BCs exist. |
G |
Total Internal PCI’s: | NCTO’s + BC’s. Total Unposted Internal PCIs. |
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report |
Row Details:
C |
Gross Billing: |
Total amount billed to the Owner on the job. |
D |
Gross Cost: | Total Cost on the job. Should match the Total of the Spent to Date Column in Report 1 Job Forecast Statement Summary. |
E |
Earned Fee: | (Gross Cost/Total Cost Forecast in Report 1) * Total Gain/Loss in Report 1. If projecting a loss, this will equal the Total Gain/Loss in Report 1. Since the Cost Forecast includes unposted PCIs, the Total Gain/Loss should include the potential Fee on those unposted PCIs, or our Earned Fee will be understated. (This is a big difference from our previous fee projection philosophy.) |
F |
Over (Under) Billing: | Gross Billing – (Gross Cost + Earned Fee). Use Comment 5 if under billed or significantly over billed. |
G |
% Est Fnl Cont Billed: | Gross Billing/Total Revenue Forecast in Report 1 Job Forecast Statement Summary. % Billed of the estimated final contract value with the Owner. |
H |
Retention Held: | Total retention held by the Owner. |
Note: Data for this report is from the A/R Aged Report (See below for screenshot of where this report can be found on your treeview)
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report |
Row Details:
C |
Total Receivables: |
Total Billed to the Owner not paid. |
D |
Current: | Total Billed to the Owner and outstanding for 30 days or less. |
E |
Over 30: | Total Billed to the Owner and outstanding for over 30 days, and up to 60 days. Use Comment 6. |
F |
Over 60: | Total Billed to the Owner and outstanding for over 60 days, and up to 90 days. Use Comment 6. |
G |
Over 90: | Total Billed to the Owner and outstanding for over 90 days. Use Comment 6. |
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report NOTE: The "History" for the Last Period is taken after the Company WIP has been completed by all Financial Mangers. |
C |
% C: | Percent Cost Complete - Calculation = Spent to Date / Cost Forecast |
D | %RF | Percent Return of Fee - Calculation = PM Forecasted Fee / Current Contract Value |
Row Details:
E |
Main Project Forecasted Fee: |
Total from the Projected Gain/Loss Column of Box 1 Fee as reported by the Project Manager in Contract Forecasting. |
F |
All Self Perform Project Forecasted Fee: | As each Self Perform project has its Contract Forecast updated, it will start to pull into the Main Job PSR with the same column calculations as the Main Job. NOTE: If the Current amount next to a Self Perform project is blank, please reach out to that PM to complete the forecast. NOTE: If the Self Perform project is closed, it will pull the final calculation of Revenue - Cost NOTE: For Self Perform projects with other companies (SAK, MD Builders, Timberlab) see below for what will/will not show on your PSR due to Union rules |
G |
Total Swinerton Forecasted Fee: |
Total of Main Project + all Self Perform project Forecasted Fee |
H | Total Current Contract Fee | Total of Main Project + all Self Perform Contract Fee |
I | Total Variance: | Total of Main Project + all Self Perform - Calculation = Forecasted Fee - Contract Fee. Use Comment 7 if any variance |
J | Total Original Contract Fee: | Total of Main Project + all Self Perform - Original Fee based on Original Contract |
K | Shared Savings | From Job Setup / Project Maint. OM User-Defined Fields |
L | Savings Split (%) | From Job Setup / Project Maint. OM User-Defined Fields |
Note: Use Comment 8 in Forecast Comments if an explanation is warranted regarding risks related to any values reported.
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report |
C |
Not Yet Submitted (Submittals): |
Number of Submittals with the status of: Anticipated. |
D |
Open (Submittals): | Number of Submittals with the status of: Open, Pending Design Change, Received, Revise and Resubmit, Submitted. |
E |
Rejected (Submittals): | Number of Submittals with the status of: Rejected, Submit Specified Item. |
F |
Closed (Submittals): | Number of Submittals with the status of: Approved, Approved as Noted, Closed, Make Corrections Noted, For Information Purposes, No Exceptions Taken, Reviewed, Voided. |
G |
Total Open (RFIs) | Number of RFIs not closed or voided. |
H |
Total Overdue (RFIs): | Number of RFIs where the date due is less than the period end date. |
I |
Total (Daily Journals): | Total number of Daily Journals on the project. |
J |
Open (Daily Journals): | Number of Daily Journals not yet Submitted.There should only ever be 7 of these.If there are more, please ask that they get submitted |
BOX 9 - SCHEDULE (Updated 10/30/2024) to include Planned % Complete
Note: Data for this report is mostly pulling from the Forecast Comments button/pop‐up entered in Contract Forecasting to be completed monthly by the Project Manager. The Contract LDs and LSs Cost/Day is coming from the OM UDF Tab in Project Maintenance (same area as General & Default)
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Completion Date (Current): | Date as entered in Forecast Comments for the current period. |
B |
Duration in Mos (Current): | Number of months from Contract Start Date entered in Project Maintenance General Tab. |
C |
% Complete (Current): | % Complete based on the period end date and the Current Contract Completion date. |
D |
Completion Date (Last Period): | Date as entered in Forecast Comments for the prior period. |
E |
Schedule ID: |
Schedule ID for the monthly schedule update as entered in Forecast Comments. |
F |
Data Date: | The data date represents the line in the sand between what is actual and what remains |
G |
Original Contract: | Original Contract Completion date entered in Project Maintenance General Tab. |
H |
Current Contract: | Current Contract Completion date as reflected in the Owner Change Order module. |
I |
Substantial Completion: | Substantial Completion date for the monthly schedule update as entered in Forecast Commen s. |
J |
Final Completion: | Final Completion date for the monthly schedule update as entered in Forecast Comments. |
K |
Date Sent to Owner: | Date the monthly schedule update was provided to the Owner. |
L |
GCs Projected Through: | Date General Conditions are projected through as entered in Forecast Comments. Use Comment 9 if earlier than Final Completion date. |
M |
Schedule Delay, PCIs: | If Monthly schedule update reflects a delay to the project schedule, PCI numbers where the delay is being tracked as entered in Forecast Comments. |
N |
Contract LDs: |
Does your project have Liquidated Damages written into the Prime Contract (Yes/No) |
O |
LDs Cost/Day: |
What is the cost implication by day for those Liquidated Damages $ |
P |
Planned % Complete: |
What is the Planned % Complete as per your current schedule |
Note: Data for this report is from the Forecast Comments button/pop‐up entered in Contract Forecasting to be completed monthly by the Project Manager.
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report |
C |
JHA’s Prepared: |
Total number of Job Hazard Analyses prepared (current month). |
D |
Safety Meetings Held: | Total number of Safety Meetings held (current month). |
E |
Safety Orientations Held: | Total number of Safety Orientations held (current month). |
F |
Pre‐Task Plans Prepared: | Total number of Pre‐Task Plans prepared (current month). |
G |
Safety Audits Performed: | Total number of Safety Audits performed (current month). |
H |
Safety Near Misses: | Total number of Safety Near Misses (current month). |
I |
First Aid Cases: | Total number of First Aid Cases (current month). |
J |
Recordable Incidents: | Total number of Recordable Incidents (current month). |
K |
Lost Time Incidents: | Total number of Lost Time Incidents (current month). |
Note: Data for this report is from the Forecast Comments button/pop‐up entered in Contract Forecasting to be completed monthly by the Project Manager.
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Current: |
Data as of the period entered in “Current Year and Current Period” parameters when running report |
B |
Last period: | Data as of the period entered in “Prior Year and Prior Period” parameters when running report |
C |
Pre‐installation Meetings Held: |
Total Number of Pre‐Installation Meetings held for the entire project, not just the single month. |
D |
1st Work inspections Held: | Total Number of First Work Inspections held for the entire project, not just the single month. |
E |
Total Deficiencies: | Total Number of Quality Deficiencies identified for the entire project, not just the single month. |
F |
Deficiencies Still Open: | Number of unresolved Quality Deficiencies for the entire project, not just the single month. |
G |
Building Envelope Review By: | Party who performed the Building Envelope review. |
Note: The data in this box is exactly the same as the separate report called "Job Cash Flow Report" which can be run by a Project Manager at any time of the month and found on the CMiC treeview under Reports/Job Costing/Job Cash Flow Report.
Starting 1/16/2023, the calculations in this box will add the Main job and all the Self Perform jobs numbers together. The new Job Cash Flow Report will have all jobs on it so you are not needing to run multiple reports to validate.
Column Details (from left to right):
A |
Last Bill Date: |
Last date we billed the Owner |
B |
Last Receipt Date: | Last date we received payment from the Owner |
C |
JTD Billing: | Job to date amount billed to the Owner |
D |
JTD Cost: | Job to date cost that has been charged to the job |
E |
Current Receivables: |
Billing amount outstanding with the Owner |
F |
Current Payables: | Payables on the job (amount we currently owe to Subs, Vendors, etc) |
G |
Retention Receivables: | Retention held by the Owner |
H |
Retention Payables: | Retention held on our Subcontractors |
I |
Cash In: | Amount we have been paid to date by the Owner (less current receivables and retention held) |
J | Cash Out: | Amount we have paid out to Subs, Vendors, etc (less current payables and retention held) |
K |
Net Cash In/Out: | Cash In less Cash Out. Net cash flow on the job. |
Note: Data for this report is from the Forecast Comments button/pop‐up entered in Contract Forecasting.
Note: Comments are required to explain any abnormalities or address any potential risks reflected in the information reported in the respective sections. Comments can be up to 100 characters per field.
2. Change Order Status – External PCIs
3. External PCIs Proceeding without OCO
4. Unposted Internal PCIs
5. Billings
6. Receivables
7. Fee Summary
8. Project Management
9. Schedule
10. Safety
11. Quality