Contract Forecasting Column & Highlighting Explanations
Modified on: Wed, Nov 15 2023 9:12 AMContract Forecasting Column Explanations
1 |
Notes: A pencil and paper icon will show up in this column, if you have added a note to this line. |
2 |
Attachments: A paper clip icon will show up in this column, if you have added an attachment to this line. |
3 |
Freeze: Check the box in this column if you want to freeze the line and prevent any new transactions from updating it when you “Refresh” during the forecasting process. |
4 | Job Number |
5 |
Phase Code |
6 |
Phase Code Name |
7 |
Category Code |
8 | Phase Type |
9 | Method: ("P" for Labor Productivity and "A" for Non Labor Productivity Items) |
A |
Current Cost Budget = Original Cost Budget + Posted Internal and External PCIs |
1. The Current Cost Budget should be the estimated final cost at the end of the job, excluding unposted PCI Cost amounts in columns D and E (as adjusted in F) |
2. If there are no unposted PCI Costs in columns B or C, the Current Cost Budget should be equal to, or greater than, the Spent/Committed Total |
3. At the end of the job, the Current Cost Budget and the Spent/Committed Total should be the same for each line (since unposted PCIs will be 0, this will also equal the Cost Forecast) |
4. NCTOs can be posted as frequently as needed to manage the Current Cost Budget and reduce the need for overrides to the Cost Forecast |
B |
Spent/Committed (Less Advance SCOs on Internal PCIs): Committed Amounts + Amounts Spent Outside Commitments - Any advanced SCOs issued to Subcontractors (Advanced SCOs occur when a SCO is issued prior to posting a PCI/OCO) **THIS IS NOT A BEST PRACTICE** |
C |
Spent/Committed Total: Committed Amounts + Amounts Spent Outside Commitments |
10 | Current Period Cost: Costs hitting your project only for the current month period |
D |
Unposted Internal PCI Cost Budget: Unposted Internal PCIs (NCTO, BC) (This column does not reflect any adjustments that may have been made in PCI Projections.) |
E |
Unposted External PCI Cost Budget: Unposted External PCIs (CTO, ALLOW, CONT, TRANSFER) (This column does not reflect any adjustments that may have been made in PCI Projections.) |
F |
Unposted Int & Ext PCI Cost Budget Adjusted: Equals columns D + E, unless adjustments have been made in PCI Projections. If so, those adjustments are reflected in this column. |
G |
Cost to Complete: |
1. If Current Cost Budget (A) is higher than Spent/Committed Total (C) the calculation is: A - B = Cost to Complete | |
2. If Current Cost Budget (A) is lower than Spent/Committed Total (C) the calculation is: Cost to Complete = 0 (The system is going to assume you are done since you spent more money than you budgeted) |
11 |
Cost Detail Pop Up: The magnifying glass is in this column that will allow you to open the Cost to Complete Detail Pop Up |
12 |
Override Visual: A checkmark will appear in this box, if the Cost to Complete column N has been overridden. |
H |
Cost to Complete Unposted PCIs: This should equal the Unposted Int & Ext PCI Cost Budget (Adjusted) column F, unless there has been an Advanced SCO given. (NEVER best practice) |
I |
Cost Forecast: Calculation: Spent/Committed Total + Cost to Complete + Cost to Complete Unposted PCIs = Cost Forecast. (C+G+H) This should be looked at on a line by line basis and always reflect where you expect to be by the end of the project. |
13 |
Override Visual: A checkmark will appear in this box, if the Cost Forecast in column R has been overridden |
J |
Current Revenue Budget = Original Revenue Budget + Posted External PCIs (CTO, ALLOW, CONT, TRANSFER) |
K |
Unposted PCI Revenue Budget: Unposted External PCIs (CTO,ALLOW,CONT, TRANSFER) |
L |
Unposted PCI revenue Budget Adjusted: Equals column K, unless adjustments have been made in PCI Projections. If so, those adjustments are reflected in this column. |
M |
Revenue Forecast: Columns J +L (Can be overridden) |
14 |
Override Visual: A checkmark appears in this box, if the Revenue Forecast in column Q has been overridden. |
N |
Projected Gain/Loss: Columns M - I |
Contract Forecasting Highlighting Explanations
Field | Color | Hover Text |
Cost to Complete (CTC) | Yellow | Cost to complete has detail lines |
Field | Color | Hover Text |
Cost to Complete (CTC) | Red | Cost to Complete Detail lines are not in sync with the Projected Cost |
Cost Forecast | Orange | Projected Cost exceeds the override from the previous forecast |
Cost Forecast | Red | The override from the previous stored forecast has been cleared |
Cost Forecast | Yellow |
When the Spent/Committed Total amount is greater than the Current budget (Cost) amount and there isn't an override by the user |
Field | Color | Hover Text |
Cost Forecast | Green | When there is a previous period override for the line |