Navigating the Job Forecast Statement (JFS)
Modified on: Thu, Oct 19 2023 3:57 PMNavigating the Job Forecast Statement
Note: The Job Forecast Statement is intended to be used for the Month End Process and Forecasting only. Use the Cost Status Query for details on Job Cost and Commitments.
STEP 1: Always make sure you have gone into Contract Forecasting and clicked Go > Refresh All before you try to print your PSR
STEP 2: Expand Reports
STEP 3: Expand Budget & Cost Reports
STEP 4: Expand Job Costing
STEP 5: Click Job Forecast Stmt - by Cat, Phase, Type
STEP 6: Enter the information for the project you want to run the report for
Note: If you are using a Controlling Project/SubJob scenario make sure to include your SubJobs in your report
STEP 7: Click Run Report
Job Forecast Statement Columns:
A |
Company Number and Company Name | |
B |
Report Name and Forecast Period/Month End | |
C |
Job Number and Job Name | |
D |
No. of pages of the report | |
E |
Date the report was Printed | |
F |
Time the report was Printed | |
G |
Cost Section | |
H |
Revenue Section | |
I |
Phase Code | |
J |
Phase Name | |
K |
Current Cost Budget | Original Cost Budget + any Posted PCIs |
L |
Spent This Period | Costs to Job during the period of the report |
M |
Spent To Date | Total Cost to the Job since inception |
N |
Spent/Committed | Committed + Spent out of commitment |
O |
Cost to Cmplt Inc. PCIs | Cost to Complete as calculated or overridden manually in field or adjusted via the Pop up + Unposted PCIs |
P |
Cost Forecast | Cost Forecast as calculated or overridden in Contract Forecasting. This should be the projected final cost to complete the project including all anticipated change order work. |
Q |
Current Revenue Budget | Current Revenue Budget (Original Revenue Budget + Change Orders to date), i.e. Current Contract Amount |
R |
Anticipated Cos | Anticipated Change Orders from the Owner to make the Revenue Forecast (Revenue Forecast – Current Revenue Budget) |
S |
Revenue Forecast | Revenue Forecast as calculated or overridden in Contract Forecasting. This should be the projected final contract value with the Owner at the end of the project including all anticipated change orders. |
T |
Projected Gain/Loss | Revenue Forecast – Cost Forecast |
U |
One Month Variance | Difference between last month and this month |
V |
Category Totals |
Bottom of Report
W |
Fee Category Total | |
X |
Projected Final Fee on the Job | This will calculate all the way down the Projected Gain/Loss (including the fee line) to give you your current fee on the project. |