External User Invitation from Project Team for CMiC
Modified on: Tue, Dec 5 2023 9:29 AMExternal User Invitation from Project Team for CMiC and Collaboration Intro Guide
See attached Collaboration Intro Guide
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Dear (Project Name) Team,
Welcome to the (Project Name) team, we are glad that you will be working with us. We will be using CMiC as our Project Management software on this Project.
CMiC is a free collaborative software that allows you full access to:
- Project Contact Directory
- Meeting Minutes (If you are an attendee in a meeting)
- Subs - You will be able to input your RFI’s directly into CMiC, which will cut down on trying to keep all the emails organized.
- Architects - You will be able to answer RFI's within CMiC, attach documents, and track all status'.
- Consultants - You will be able to add notes or attachments to any RFI as you work with your architect, all within CMiC.
- You will be able to attach your .pdfs directly into CMiC.
- Once Swinerton has created the Submittal log, you will be able to see exactly what is needed from you on this project.
- We request that you break up your submittal .pdfs into smaller pieces and attach them to each submittal item. This makes it easier to work collaboratively with the rest of the Project Team and will keep submittals from being held up if the architect requests that we revise and resubmit something.
- You will be able to view all submittals and the system will keep track of the ones in your queue to review. Once reviewed, CMiC will date/time stamp the day you "Return" them to Swinerton.
- You will also be able to view all submittals and can review any submittals you need to and add notes and attach documents that you have reviewed and stamped.
We will be requesting your login/password in a couple of days, so please keep an eye out for that email.
You can also take a look at the Printable How To’s or watch our short Training Videos by Clicking HERE.
If you have any questions or need additional training, please feel free to contact me and we will arrange something.
Thank you,
(Project Team Member Signature Block)