External User Contact (Collaborator) Set-up
Modified on: Fri, Jun 14 2024 12:17 PMExternal User Contact (Collaborator) Set-up on a Project in CMiC and Submitting an External User Request
For our business partners to be able to log into CMiC and Collaborate on a project, they must first be set up as an External User. Click URL to go to the Adding Contacts to a Business Partner in CMiC.
Once your Contact (or Partner) profiles are set up as External Users in CMiC, follow the instructions below for Applications Support to provide them access.
STEP 1: Add your contact person the same way you have been taught (via the Project Partner Directory - NOT the Contact Directory) How To Enter Project Partners and Project Contacts in CMiC
STEP 2: Assign your contact ONE PM Role (i.e. SUBRFI (subcontractor with RFI access), SUB (subcontractor with read only access to RFI's), ARCH (Architect), OWNER, OWNERREP & CONSULT) - DO NOT assign them the role of Project Manager, Project Engineer, Superintendent etc. These are for Swinerton employees ONLY.
STEP 3: Make sure you check-off the Collab User box when setting up non-Swinerton contacts. If they already have a login account, checking this off allows them access to the project. Best Practice: send them an email so they know they have access to a new project (link to template)
STEP 4: Click Save
NOTE: If you are not sure if your contact has a login account, go to the "Job Specific External Users" folder to check for a Username. If populated, they already have a login account.
STEP 5: Go to the External User Request folder and if they don't already have a User ID and password (meaning if they are not already set up as External Users in CMiC) then you should see them here.
STEP 6: Click Export > Export to MIP Template
STEP 7: Click the External User Request.xlsm template
STEP 8: Edit or confirm spreadsheet data is correct:
a. Delete rows for any names you DO NOT want to request access for
b. Make sure ALL columns are populated for each user (except Middle Name, it is not required)
c. Remove characters from names such as; O'Connor = OConner or Teri Klatt-Buren = Teri KlattBuren
STEP 9: Save this to your Z drive and name it only the job number of the project. Don't put anything else in the title other than the job number.
STEP 10: Email the saved .xlsm spreadsheet to: techsupport@swinerton.com. The Subject Line MUST include what it is and the 8-digit job number
Example: External User Request - 17054003 or EUR - 17054003
A ticket will be created for the Applications Support Team to create the new CMiC External Login account(s).
As you add new Subcontractors, Consultants, etc to your job, you will need to submit additional tickets as needed in order to add new External Users to your project.