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The Owner's name has changed on my project. How can I get the Owner name changed in CMiC?

Modified on: Fri, Mar 18 2022 2:04 PM

The Owner's name has changed on my project. How can I get the Owner name changed in CMiC?


Problem: The Owner's name just changed on my project. How can I get the Owner name changed in CMiC? 

Solution: Follow these steps:


STEP 1: Check if the new Owner name & address exists under Business Partners. If it does not exist, you need to add the new Owner or modify the Owner name via the Business Partner Request process. How-to Guide Link

STEP 2: Once the Business Partner has been added & approved (if applicable), contact your regional Job Setup Specialist to make the correction (person who sets up jobs in CMiC and Textura). If unsure who this is, Submit a Ticket

STEP 3: The Job Setup Specialist will make the changes to the Owner name in CMiC and Textura. Note: Owner name changes do not carry over from CMiC to Textura, so the change needs to be made in both programs.

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