How to Add a New EIFS Checklist
Modified on: Tue, Jul 9 2024 12:18 PM__________
Overview of how to create a new classic EIFS Checklist.
Note: If your job was already using Checklists prior to July 13, 2024 then you will continue to use the classic Checklists. Otherwise, you'll want to follow the steps for creating new Project Checklists here.
Note: One EIFS Checklist will need to be completed for every EIFS project. It is a continual checklist and a means of communication with the Risk and Quality Management teams.
1: Click the Site Management button
2: Click the Checklist button
3: Click the EIFS Checklist link
4: Click the Add button
5: Add Created Date.
6: Add general comments in the Comments field.
7: All Items in the EIFS checklist area MUST be addressed
a. As the line item is completed on the project the as Y = Reviewed, N=Not Reviewed or NA=Not Reviewed line must be updated.
b. Comments are required as the EIFS process is being completed on the project. Reports will be sent the the QM and Risk Teams to track the projects progress.
c. The completion date for each line item needs to be entered.
8: Click the Save button.
8: Click the Attachments link.
9: Click the Upload Multiple button.
10: Click the Choose Files button, locate your file on your computer and add it
11: Click the Desired Document to attach item.
12: Check off the box for the file(s) you want to add.
13: Click Upload.
14: Click Proceed
15: Click the Notes tab
16: Click the Add Note button.
17: Enter the desired information into the Notes field. Enter a valid value e.g. "Add a Note".
18: Click the Submit button.
NOTE: Do not “Submit” until all attachments have been final approved by your Division Quality Manager and the Corporate Risk Manager.
19: Verify the note has been added.