BTech Support


Subcontract Change Orders

Modified on: Fri, Apr 8 2022 3:44 PM

Subcontract Change Orders


In order to make a PCI available to issue to a subcontract, the vendor and subcontract must be referenced in a PCI.

Click HERE to review the PCI Details section

STEP 1: Click into the desired Subcontract

STEP 2: Click on the Change Orders tab

STEP 3: Click the Create SC Change button (in the upper right corner) and the Subcontract Change Orders screen will open.

NOTE: In order to have the "Create SC Change" button, the contract Must be "In Process" (aka posted and signed)

If the Create SC Change button is still missing, make sure you have added yourself to the project and assigned a PM Role

STEP 4: Complete Required Fields at the top of the SCO
  • Change No. = The next SCO number in line. This field should not be changed.
  • Description = Change this field as desired, auto-populates from the Subcontract description. If issuing a "Final" SCO, add the words "FINAL" in this field. This description will become the description for the added SOV line in Textura.
  • Date = This is the date this record was created.
  • Scope of Work = This field can be used to expend on scope of work. If the SCO necessitates a revised SOW attachment, add it to the attachments tab.
  • Final SCO field = Change to YES, if this is the final SCO. If not, leave blank or select No.

STEP 5: Complete the Schedule of Values section

  • Click the Add PCIs button to show the complete list of ALL PCIs where the subcontractor is tagged
  • Check the box(es) for the Desired PCI(s) to include in this change order. The amount shown is from the Sub Quoted Amount column in the PCI.
  • Click the Close Button
  • Review the SOV section and make any adjustments as needed

STEP 6: Update the Key Dates section (at the bottom of the screen)
  • Issued Date = This is the date that prints at the top of the SCO and should reflect the date issued to the subcontractor.
  • Received Date = The date the SCO was received back from the Sub in Docusign (to be filled in by Field Admin)
  • Executed Date = The date the SCO was fully executed in Docusign (to be filled in by Field Admin). Add the Executed SCO to the Attachments tab. Follow these instruction for Attaching a Document in CMiC.

STEP 7: Review the Prequalification section

Single Remaining & Aggregate Remaining: These show how much is remaining before an Exception Request is required. If either value is negative, a Change Order ER Reason and mitigation plan will need to be entered on the main Subcontractor page under the Exception Request Tab. Click HERE for information on how to update this tab.

STEP 8: Click Save

STEP 9: Click Print to view a "Draft" of the SCO

STEP 10: If the Draft looks ok, then click Workflow to process to the Field Admin. Let them know if you have included any attachments since this is uncommon and can be missed.

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