BTech Support


Rejecting/Rerouting an AP Invoice, PO or RFP in Image Manager

Modified on: Tue, Apr 25 2023 8:41 AM

Rejecting an AP Invoice, PO or RFP in Image Manager

When a Voucher is rejected, depending on the level of rejection, the following will happen:

Level 3 approver (Project Accountant) Rejects = Voucher is moved down one level to Level 2 (PM or Cost Approver) for review.

Level 2 approver (PM or Cost Approver) Rejects = Voucher is Rejected and sent back to the AP Processor for review and correction.

Level 1 approver (Coder) Rejects = Voucher is Rejected and sent back to the AP Processor for review and correction.

If a Purchase Order or Request for Payment is Rejected at ANY level, it will be returned to the AP Processor for review and correction.

If a Voucher or PO/RFP is rejected back to the AP Processor, the AP Processor will review the reason(s) for rejection. The AP Processor will then either correct the header information and resubmit, re-route to a different project number, or delete the Voucher/PO/RFP from CMiC.

STEP 1: Click the View Checkbox option.

STEP 2: Click the View button.

STEP 3: Click the Reject button.

STEP 4: Enter the desired information into the Comment field. Specify whether an item needs to be corrected in the header information (i.e., date, invoice amount), if the invoice is incorrect and should be deleted.

STEP 5: Click the Proceed button.

Rerouting an Invoice to a different project

NOTE: If the job number on an AP Invoice is incorrect, and you know what job number the invoice should go to, you have the ability to reroute it to a different job. To do this, click the up arrow next to Routing Job, and enter the new job number.

STEP 1: Search for the correct project

NOTE: If you just know it is not your projects invoice, but you don't know what job # is goes to, then go straight to  STEP 3 and reject it.  Any information you might know would be helpful.

STEP 2: Click on the correct project number

STEP 3: Click Reject

STEP 4: Enter a comment 

STEP 5: Click Proceed

This will then reroute back to your workflow notifications under the new project #.

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