Overview of CMiC Image Manager
Modified on: Tue, Mar 29 2022 8:44 AMOverview of CMiC Image Manager
Image Manager allows users to Code and process invoices & Request for Payments (RFP).
1. UI Config - Allows the PDF image to be viewed in a separate window (2 Monitors)
2. File Structure - Pending Subcontractor RFP's and Vendor Invoices to be processed and approved. Click on the desired PDF to load the Flysheet and image.
3. PDF Image - Image of Invoice or RFP being processed
4. Vendor Invoice Header - The Invoice header section is completed by Corporate AP. The majority of items in the header cannot be changed by the Coder, Approver, or Accountant.
a. If there is an error in the header section, i.e. incorrect vendor, click Reject to reject the invoice to AP. When Rejecting, a Comment is required. Type a detailed reason as to what needs to be edited in the header.
b. If the invoice was sent to the incorrect job number, and you know the correct job number the invoice should go to, you can reroute it to the correct job. To do this, click the up arrow next to Routing Job, and enter the correct job. Then click Reject and write "Routing from job# to job#." Any existing coding will be removed, and the invoice will automatically reroute to the selected job number.
5. Cost Coding Detail - Assigning the cost to specific Phase & Category for the job in question. On a regular invoice it can only be costed to One Job, but can include multiple phase codes.
6. AP Workflow Control - Used for processing Overhead Invoices or Invoices that will be spread over multiple job numbers (AD HOC).
7. User Comments - Comments can be added anytime, but are REQUIRED if an invoice is REJECTED.
8. Tracking Information - Reflects who currently holds the responsibility of the invoice or RFP. This section changes until final approval is received.
9. Upload Button - The Upload button is used to add additional images to an Invoice or RFP. This is mainly used for Invoices to be spread over multiple jobs or divisions.
10. Save Button - Save will save the work in place but will NOT send it out for approval.
12. Update Button - Update means certain tasks are complete and it is ready for Approval.