BTech Support


Autodesk Field Management - External User Mobile - Updating Checklists

Modified on: Mon, Jun 28 2021 9:10 AM

STEP 1.    Open the BIM 360 App

STEP 2.    Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project

STEP 3.    Once you are on your project, select the Checklists tab on the bottom task bar

STEP 4.    Select on the checklist you need to update/manage on the left task bar. Note – you will only see checklists that are assigned to you, your company, or role (subcontractor, architect, engineer, etc.)

STEP 5.    Complete the checklist and any required fields (not listed as optional). Make sure to verify all sections of the checklist by selecting the “Sections” feature in the top left. 

  • You can add photos from your device or attach documents that have been uploaded in BIM 360
  • **Please reference Autodesk Field Management – EU – Uploading Documents if you need up to upload a document to your checklist!


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