BTech Support


Autodesk Field Management - External User - Issues Creating from Document

Modified on: Thu, Jun 24 2021 12:16 PM

You must PIN your location to the drawing when you create the issue. You are unable to PIN an issue to the drawing after the issue has been saved/created!

STEP 1.    Open the Autodesk website

STEP 2.     Select the module selector and click Document Management


STEP 3.    Select the drawing you want to create your issue on. Make sure to pin your issues on drawings where the locations have been set, you can see this by the location column. If locations have been applied to a sheet, the location will be black, if locations have not been set on a drawing, the location will be gray. 

STEP 4.    When you’re in the drawing, select the issues button in the upper left corner. 

STEP 5.    Select Create Issue on the bottom left

STEP 6.    Zoom into the location you need to pin, click to place your pin on the sheet. *Notice the location fills when you place your pin, if locations are not set up, this will not populate.

STEP 7.    Fill in the rest of the issue information and hit create. Once it’s created, it will show on the left task bar. You can edit additional information, add attachments, and update status.

STEP 8.    When you toggle away from the drawing, the column named Issue will show you how many issues are on a specific sheet. 

To Hide or Show Issues when working in a sheet, you can select the Hide/Show All Issues on the bottom task bar. 

You can filter for specific issues within a drawing, the filter does not hold or carry to the next sheet. You will need to reapply the filter each time. 

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