BTech Support


Autodesk Field Management - External User - Checklists Creating From Template

Modified on: Thu, Jun 24 2021 12:16 PM

External users have access to use any checklist template within their project. 

STEP 1.    Open Autodesk sign in:

STEP 2.    Select the module selector and click Field Management

STEP 3.    Select Checklists in the upper left

STEP 4.    Select Create checklist in the right hand corner

STEP 5.    Select a checklist template and hit create

STEP 6.    Edit Checklist title

  • Leave the Title of the checklist in the beginning and add your company name after it!

STEP 7.    Fill out the Checklist Instance Details on the right-hand side with the appropriate information. 

STEP 8.    Fill out the checklist

STEP 9.    When you are complete with a section, you can select Done OR you can select next section.  

  • By selecting Done, that Closes the section. You can reopen the section by clicking on an item in that section.
  • All Required fields (not labeled “optional”) need to be completed for you to select Done.

STEP 10.    If you selected Done, you will notice the section is marked Done in the upper right and you can move onto the next section. 

    *You can reopen the section by click on an item in that section.


    *If you selected the next section without hitting done, the section will show as “in progress”.

STEP 11.    As you complete your checklist, if an item is nonconforming and marked as No, Fail, False or -, the item will auto-create an issue for you!

*You can click and edit the information from this screen, or you can edit the issue from the Issues tab!

STEP 12.    When all sections are marked as Done and the checklist requires signatures, you can select Jump to Signatures 

STEP 13.    Make sure to fill in the name and company for the person signing the checklist.

14.    After all signatures are filled in, you can complete the checklist. Note: If you are missing a required field, you are unable to mark a checklist as complete. 

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