BTech Support


Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Updating Checklists

Modified on: Thu, Jun 24 2021 10:32 AM

STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App

STEP 2: Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project

STEP 3: Once you are on your project, select the Checklists tab on the bottom task bar

STEP 4: Select on the checklist you need to update/manage on the left task bar. 

STEP 5: Complete the checklist and any required fields (not listed as optional). Make sure to verify all sections of the checklist by selecting the “Sections” feature in the top left. 

  • You can add photos from your device or attach documents that have been uploaded in BIM 360
  • **Please reference Autodesk Field Management – EU – Uploading Documents if you need up to upload a document to your checklist! 


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Click here to download Autodesk Field Mgmt - Updating Checklists - App.pdf Click here to download Autodesk Field Mgmt - Updating Checklists - App.pdf
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