Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Creating From Template
Modified on: Thu, Jun 24 2021 10:32 AMSTEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in:
STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management
STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left
STEP 4: Select Create checklist in the right hand corner
STEP 5: Select a checklist template and hit create
STEP 6: Edit Checklist title
- Leave _FWI, _PMI, _MEPF, etc. in the beginning of the checklist name to pull correctly to the Quality Tracker!
- Add the scope being reviewed if it’s not evident
- You are unable to change the checklist numbering sequence
STEP 7: Fill out the Checklist Instance Details on the right-hand side with the appropriate information.
STEP 8: Fill out the checklist
STEP 9: When you are complete with a section, you can select Done OR you can select next section.
- By selecting Done, that Closes the section. You can reopen the section by clicking on an item in that section.
- All Required fields (not labeled “optional”) need to be completed for you to select Done.
STEP 10: If you selected Done, you will notice the section is marked Done in the upper right and you can move onto the next section.
*You can reopen the section by clicking on an item in that section.
*If you selected the next section without hitting done, the section will show as “in progress”.
STEP 11: As you complete your checklist, if an item is nonconforming and marked as No, Fail, False or -, the item will auto-create an issue for you!
You can click and edit the information from this screen, or you can edit the issue from the Issues tab!
STEP 12: When all sections are marked as Done and the checklist requires signatures, you can select Show Signatures. *If you need additional signatures, they need to be added within the template ahead of creating your checklist, reference Adding Signatures to a Checklist how to guide.
STEP 13: Make sure to fill in the name and company for the person signing the checklist.
STEP 14: After all signatures are filled in, you can complete the checklist. Note: If you are missing a required field, you are unable to mark a checklist as complete.
STEP 15: If signatures are not required in the checklist, you have the option to select Complete Checklist at the top or when you click into a checklist that has all the sections complete, a pop up will ask if you would like to complete the checklist.