BTech Support


Set Polycom Studio as the default audio & video device in Teams

Modified on: Wed, Jun 2 2021 10:16 AM

In order to setup Polycom Studio as your default Audio & Video device in Micorost Teams please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the 3 dots next to your Teams picture to view "Settings and more"
  2. Click on Seetings
  3. Click on Devices
  4. Click on the Audio devices drop down menu
  5. Select Poly Studio
  6. Click on the Camera drop down menu and also select Poly Studio 
  7. Click on the to close the Settings menu
  8. Enjoy!

Polycom Studio does NOT support mixed Audio and Video devices, such as using the laptop MIC with the Poly Studio Video as the camera.

Note: If you connect the Poly Studio to laptop via USB cable andto Bluetooth at the same time, make sure to select the Poly Studio over USB from Teams Audio & Video drop down menu.

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