BTech Support


Navigating the PSR: Job Metrics Trending

Modified on: Fri, Aug 20 2021 9:46 AM


This page shows trends for jobs over the monthly periods. You get to the page by drilling through from "Regional Summary". For this page, it is not necessary to select a specific Job, Year and Month because we are showing aggregate trends.  

Below this image is a reference table for each visual on the page, lettered A - D.


Visual ID


How to interpret 


Extended Preconstruction Duration

This is the total of all the Extended Precon Duration metric for the Jobs selected and how they compare to the target of 6 months * the number of jobs selected.  The target increases/decreases based on how many jobs you have selected with the various filters.


Construction Budget

This chart shows how we are progressing in meeting the Owner’s budget expectations.

  • The column charts show the Swinerton Construction Budget vs the Owners Budget.
  • The line graph shows the Budget Variance %


Construction Allowance

This chart shows how the total construction allowance is decreasing or increasing relative to Swinerton’s budget


Construction Value Engineering

This chart shows the trending % of Construction Value Engineering vs Swinerton’s Budget during Preconstruction

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