What I Need to Know: Lifecycle of Project Data
Modified on: Wed, Aug 3 2022 9:25 AMThere are several benefits of entering project data within Cosential:
- Centralizes all project related data so it isn’t “out of sight, out of mind” on a network drive somewhere
- Better data and statistics we search/report on for proposals everyday
- More complete picture of scope, size, and quantity of work with specific clients and in specific markets, product types, and delivery methods
- Directly supports other Divisions/Offices and especially our National Markets (Aviation, Healthcare, Parking Structures, Mass Timber)
- Makes assembling project experience for proposals easier by taking less time to report/search for project/personnel experience
- Supports the larger and long-term goal of automating Project Sheet and Resume creation out of Cosential
Please see the attached document to review which fields need to be completed and when.