BTech Support


How to Clear Your Browser Caches

Modified on: Fri, Dec 16 2022 11:55 AM

Clearing Your Google Chrome Cache

Please follow the steps below (Pink Boxes) to clear Chrome's Cache.

Step 1:Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the upper right

Step 2: Navigate to “Other Tools”

Step 3: Then ”Clear Browsing Data”

Step 4: In the window that comes up, ensure that the two boxes highlighted below are checked (all others are optional)

Step 5: Press Clear Data – You are done!


  1. Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the upper right

  2. Navigate to “Other Tools”

  3. Then ”Clear Browsing Data”

1 Attachment (Scanned for viruses)

(499.42 KB)
Click here to download Clear your Browser Caches-Google Chrome.pdf Click here to download Clear your Browser Caches-Google Chrome.pdf
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