BTech Support


People Page Overview

Modified on: Mon, Feb 3 2020 12:50 PM

The People page is your index of every User, Assignable resource, and Assignable User within the current Group. Each name is listed as a blue hyperlink to quickly access the person's details page. Just click the link and you will be taken directly there.


From this list view, you can filter, sort, and customize your columns in whatever way you see fit.

Use the Columns icon to add or remove displayed information, and the Download icon to save the list as a printable PDF or CSV file. 

For more information:

Quickly find a resource by typing their first name, last name, or employee ID within the Search Bar, or filter down the list using the Funnel icon. 

    Find more information on filtering your resources HERE.

Use the New button in the the top-left corner to begin creating a new user or resource. Enter their information, then click Save.

    Find detailed instructions on creating a person HERE.

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