BTech Support


Filtering and Sorting the Resource Bench

Modified on: Mon, Feb 3 2020 12:11 PM

The Resource Bench is located on the left-hand side of the Boards page, and contains all of your active resources available for assignment.


With all of your resources in one place, you can apply filters and sort the list in order to quickly find the right resource applicable to a specific assignment.




To apply a filter to your Resource Bench:

  • Navigate to the Resource Bench and click the Gear icon
    • This will populate a list of all the currently applied filters
  • Click the funnel icon to begin selecting filters

  • Then, select the desired filters and click Apply to activate them



To remove the selected filters, open the filters with the Gear icon, then click the Trashcan icon to remove all filters.

  • Remove filters one at a time by clicking the next to the filter name




Sorting refers to the order in which the list is presented. The resources within your Resource Bench can be sorted by:

  • Job Title - based on the hierarchy of job titles within your Settings page
  • Name - sorted alphabetically from A-Z 


To sort your Resource Bench, open the Sort Cards By drop-down, then make your selection and the bench will automatically refresh the list.


Now that you know how to narrow down your resources, learn how to:

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