BTech Support


Why are Inactive people showing on Boards with assignments?

Modified on: Mon, Feb 3 2020 11:43 AM

LaborChart does NOT automatically end assignments if a person's status is changed to Inactive.

 Assignments must be ended or deleted prior to changing a person's status from Active to Inactive.

How to end assignments for Inactive people 


You can use Batch to quickly end these assignments. To do this:

  • Go to the Boards Page and click Batch (towards the top-left of the page). 
  • Click on the orange Configure button, then select that person's actual end date and click Set.


  • Select each Resource Card you wish to change by clicking on the card
  • All selected cards will be highlighted in blue
  • Click Apply Changes in the top-right corner of the page to simultaneously change the end dates of each selected resource

The assignment end dates will be updated, and the Batch tool will be automatically deactivated.

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