BTech Support


Additional Invoices

Modified on: Tue, Jan 5 2021 3:44 PM

Additional Invoices

Additional Invoices: Used when you need to add an additional item to an existing Billing. A Contract MUST exist in order to apply an Additional Invoice.

Notes: Understand how the system thinks before going further

Scenario 1: I create a contract for item #1234 Widget A from 4/1/18 – 12/31/18 and they get billed for April, May and June (as far as I know they still have the widget and I have not billed for July yet)

                    The project team realized that HEY!!! we brought back the widget on 5/15/18 No problem, I say and I complete the return and show the “Off Rent” date as 5/15/18 

                    Rental result IS going to see that as a mistake and auto-generate a credit for the amount of days they were overcharged. AWESOME!!! No additional credit process needed

Scenario 2: I create a contract for item #1234 Widget A from 4/1/18 – 12/31/18 and they get billed for April, May and June (They DO still have the widget and I have not billed for July yet) 

                    The project team realized that HEY!!!! the rates are wrong and you have overcharged me for April, May, June and I want a credit for those 3 months and to make sure that going forward the rate is correct. No problem, I say and fix the rates for that item on the contract (then I should go fix it for the

                     item under Rental Rate Maint so it does not happen again on a different contract) 

                     Rental Result is NOT!!!! NOT!!! going to see that as a mistake and WILL NOT!! auto-generate a credit for the difference in money. It just assumes that there was a reason for changing the rate, so you will need to do an additional credit.

STEP 1: Click Billing/Approvals

STEP 2: Click Billing

STEP 3: Click Additional Invoices

STEP 4: Click Create New

STEP 5: Enter the contract this invoice will apply against.

Notes: If you don’t know the contract click the magnifying glass to search by Job number to locate/select the contract

STEP 6: Enter the Dispatch this invoice will apply against

Notes: If you don’t know the dispatch, click the magnifying glass to locate/select an dispatch

STEP 7: Click OK

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