BTech Support


Seeing Error Message: Cannot start another call form

Modified on: Tue, Nov 10 2020 5:48 PM

Seeing Error Message: Cannot start another call form

Problem: You are working in any screen in Enterprise, and see the message below, "Cannot start another call form." This error prevents you from doing any further work in the screen.

Solution: Follow the steps below to resolve:

STEP 1: Close out of all other screens you currently have open in Enterprise. 

STEP 2: Reopen the screen where you originally saw the error. The problem should be fixed. 

NOTE: This error message typically pops up when you have too many screens open within Enterprise, at the same time. It is a best practice in Enterprise to close out of each screen you are working on, before moving on to the next (unless you absolutely have to keep several screens open at once for what you are doing). 

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