BTech Support


Immediate Dispatch - Will Call

Modified on: Tue, Jan 5 2021 3:54 PM

Immediate Dispatch - Will Call

Note: Rental Dates are based on the entire order, not line by line like the Manual Dispatch. 

          Best used if you just have one item being requested or you are having to go back and do something after the fact.

Kim Note: Also this can’t  be used if a requisition has been created so they can’t convert a requisition into an immediate dispatch.

STEP 1: Click Rental & Sales

STEP 2: Click Rental Order

STEP 3: Click Create New Document

STEP 4: Enter Job #

STEP 5: Choose Transaction: Rental - Immediate Dispatch

STEP 6: Choose Type: Will Call

STEP 7: Click Ok

STEP 8: Enter Job # (this makes it print onto the Rental Contract/Dispatch)

STEP 9: Choose the person picking it up or getting the items

STEP 10: Choose the person entering the contract (you)

STEP 11: Click Order

STEP 12: Click Project

STEP 13: Enter the project #

STEP 14: Enter the Phase/Code Combination

Note: Do not leave the Phase field blank and if you use the search function, Do not choose the 0

STEP 15: Click on the Shipping tab

STEP 16: Verify the project address is correct

STEP 17: Choose the person requesting the equipment

STEP 18: Click on the Dates Tab

STEP 19: Enter Start Date: Date project will start getting billed for the item

STEP 20: Enter Off Rent: Date project will stop being billed for the item

STEP 21: Enter Scheduled Delivery

STEP 22: Enter Actual Shipping

STEP 23: Enter Planned Pick up

STEP 24: Enter Actual Pick up

Note: Some of the dates will default

STEP 25: Click Product Tab

STEP 26: Click Add

STEP 27: Choose your item

STEP 28: Enter the category

STEP 29: Click Enter Quantity

STEP 30: "Pick" the one you want to give the project

STEP 31: Click Close

STEP 32: Choose your Charge Code

STEP 33: Double check / Enter your rates

STEP 34: Click Close

STEP 35: Continue to click Add and pick your items until you are done

Note: Please remember, with the Immediate Dispatch you can't off rent single items. They will all have to go on rent and come off rent together

STEP 36: Click Dispatch

STEP 37: Click Yes

STEP 38: Choose your dispatch options to send to project

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