Install Power BI Desktop
Modified on: Wed, Mar 3 2021 1:01 PMThis Solution provides instructions for installation of Power BI Desktop on a Windows 10 desktop for Swinerton employees. All Swinerton employees who want to install Power BI Desktop are able to. This application is used to model datasets and design reports for publishing to group workspaces.
Once Power BI Desktop has been installed through Microsoft Store, it will automatically be updated as Microsoft releases new versions - typically each month.
Please follow the steps:
1. Launch the "Microsoft Store" app. The easiest way to do this is search "Microsoft Store" from the Windows start menu. Be sure to select the app:
2. Confirm you are signed in to the store with your Swinerton account email. You can do this by clicking on the person avatar in the top right of the app:
3. Search for "Power BI Desktop" from the list of apps available to you. If you see a lot of apps, you can search / filter for "Power BI" in the search bar:
4. Click "Install" to install the app to your computer. Once it finishes installing it will then appear under your Start menu, or open it directly with the "Launch" button.