Goods In from Purchase Order
Goods In from Purchase Order
Notes: This document assumes you have an existing Purchase Order in the Rental Results system that has been received from the Vendor. If you do not have an existing PO in the system and you want to add a newly purchased asset into the system use the Goods In - To Inventory option on the Asset Ops pull down menu
STEP 1: Click Purchasing
STEP 2: Click Goods in From Purchase Order
STEP 3: Click Add New
STEP 4: Enter the PO number for the received equipment or click to search icon to search/select by vendor
STEP 5: Click OK
STEP 6: Accept today’s date as default unless you received it earlier then modify the date.
STEP 7: Click the Lines Tab
STEP 8: Highlight the purchased item row
STEP 9: Click Edit
STEP 10: Enter the received Quantity
STEP 11: Add any additional information
STEP 12: Click Sublines: Add asset detail
STEP 13: Click Add
STEP 14: Status will default to Available. If you will not be making this item available once it’s added to inventory, change the status using the pull down selection list.
STEP 15: E-code/Barcode: Automatically assigned by the system
STEP 16: Enter the serial number of the equipment. If the equipment does not have a serial number enter a reference of some sort. This is a required field
STEP 17: Enter Warranty expire date if there is one
STEP 18: Enter Manufacturer date if there is one
STEP 19: Click Analysis sets tab
STEP 20: Enter the OH Project that owns this new equipment
STEP 21: Enter the Phase code where the equipment is costed
STEP 22: Select Yes or No for Capitalized. If Yes is selected, the equipment will be depreciated every month
STEP 23: Choose Co and Branch
Notes: Repeat Steps 13-23 until all items are accounted for.
STEP 24: Click Close
STEP 25: Click Close
STEP 26: Click Save and Close
STEP 27: Choose Yes
STEP 28: Choose window at X