Goods In - To Inventory (Adding a New Asset)
Modified on: Wed, Jun 8 2022 6:39 PMAdding a New Asset – Goods In – To Inventory
Notes: As a Yard Manager/Admin, if a new asset/equipment has been purchased, you would use this method to add the new assets to the RentalResult system. This is assuming that you have already completed another Swinerton approved method for Purchase Orders in order to have purchased the asset.
STEP 1: Click Asset Ops
STEP 2: Click Goods In - To Inventory
STEP 3: Click New
STEP 4: Choose Transaction Type
Notes: Add Equipment to Inventory – This is for any equipment that has never been previously added to RentalResult and has been newly purchased.
Notes: Restore Asset to Inventory – This is for any equipment that has been previously added to Rental Results, but were thought to be lost and has since been found. In the interim, while thought to be lost, the asset was “disposed of” within the RentalResult system using a “Goods Outs – From Inventory
STEP 5: Enter Reference
Notes: If you make a mistake when entering data in the “Reference” Field you can change it in the next screen.
STEP 6: Click Tab or Enter
STEP 7: Click OK
STEP 8: The Date field will default to the current date. Adjust as necessary
STEP 9: Click Lines tab
STEP 10: Click Add
STEP 11: Enter the Item Code
Notes: If you don't know the item code you can search via the Magnifying glass and searching for a word in the Description (See Screenshot below)
STEP 12: Enter the number of quantity of the item
STEP 13: Enter the total value of all assets for that line
Notes: For example, if there were 3 assets with item code 1243 and they were valued at $10,000 each, enter $30,000 in the “Value” field.
Notes: Per company policy, all assets over $5000.00 each in value are capitalized assets, although you are able to capitalize assets under $5000.00
STEP 14: Enter any additional information, if necessary
Notes: Any text here will be added for ALL items on this line.
STEP 15: Click Tab or Enter
STEP 16: Click Sublines: Add asset detail
STEP 17: Click Add
Notes: If required, E-code will auto generate
STEP 18: Type in Ref/Serial Number of item
Notes: For vehicles, this would be the VIN number
STEP 19: Validate the Status is Available
STEP 20: Click Notes tab
STEP 21: Type any notes you might want, this is a free form field
STEP 22: Click Text Tab
Notes: The “Lease Plan” field is for items with a rental definition of RFVEH. This would be only for leased vehicles.
STEP 23: Enter Alternate E-code if applicable
Notes: This would be a separate user-defined E-code as e-codes are auto-generated by the Rental Result system
STEP 24: Click Analysis Sets tab
STEP 25: Enter Business Unit that owns the asset
STEP 26: Enter Phase Code used to acquire the asset
STEP 27: Choose Yes/No for Capitalized or No
Notes: Will this asset be depreciated? If yes, enter “YES” in the “Capitalized” field and send an email to ALEUNG@SWINERTON.COM letting Alan know that a capitalized asset has been added to Rental Result that needs to be confirmed. Make sure to also include the Item Code, E-code, Ref/Serial Number, and document number for your Goods In document
STEP 28: Enter Company and Branch that owns the items
STEP 29: Click Close or Add (if you have more than 1 of that specific item)
STEP 30: Click Save and Close
STEP 31: Click Yes
STEP 32: Choose Output Options